College of HHD

Recent News in HHD

HHD's 2017-18 CSUN Research Fellow: Stephan Kyusuk Chung

January 3, 2018

Stephan Kyusuk Chung

Stephan Kyusuk Chung is the 2017-18 CSUN Research Fellow from the College of Health and Human Development. He is devoting his Fellowship year to disseminating a landmark video he produced—all in Spanish with English subtitles—and conducting further research to help families get timely referrals to hospice when the time comes for end of life care for their loved one. The video was part of the project, “End of Life Care Options for Latinos”, a Latino community outreach project directed toward clinics and hospitals that serve predominantly Latino communities in Southern California. Read more

FCS Interior Design Students Score Two Awards at Competition

December 5, 2017

model shows off the students' creation

It cost a lot of sleep and time and incited a few nerves, but in the end, all the effort paid off.  Six HHD FCS students won the International Interior Design Association (IIDA) 2017 “Haunt Couture” award in the “animation” and “people’s choice” categories. The creative competition team was made up of interior design seniors Shadi Ahmadizadeh, Nicole Esper, Ana Leon Martinez, and Shahrzad Rabat, and apparel design and merchandising seniors Estefany Gallegos and Maria Juarez. The students based their design on the fire-breathing Pokémon character Charizard, an orange dragon with blue wings. Read more

Dean Webb Honored by Alma Mater, University of Minnesota

December 5, 2017

HHD Dean Farrell J. Webb

Before he rose to helm the College of Health and Human Development at California State University, Northridge and served as associate dean at its sister campus, Cal State LA, Dean Farrell J. Webb sojourned in much colder climates. He earned his doctorate at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities and taught for many years at Kansas State University. And though he has spent several years as an academic leader back in his native sunny California, his Midwestern alma mater called Webb “home” to Minneapolis this month for a warm reception, to accept one of its highest alumni awards. Read more


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