College of HHD

Recent News in HHD

Student Veterans Conquer the High Ropes Course

April 20, 2015

two people on high ropes course

Reaching beyond one’s comfort zone, building trust, raising self confidence and so much more took place when student veterans participated in the High Ropes Challenge Course (HRCC) at California State University, Northridge. The Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing, Student Veteran Organization and Veterans Resource Center (VRC) provided activities, both on the ground and in the air, that helped form a bond within the group. The event is significant to the student veterans because it is a team-building exercise as well as a self-learning experience. Read more

Speech-Language Pathology Program Wins National Recognition

April 2, 2015

jennifer kalfspeek and stephen sinclair at awards

An online non-credit course created by the Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences and the Tseng College of Continuing Education won the Program of the Year Award for Non-Credit Programs from the the University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) at the organization's 100th anniversary conference in Washington, D.C. The course meets a need for Registered Speech-Language Pathology Aides to become Licensed Speech-Language Pathology Assistants and reach a higher professional level.  Read the full story in CSUN Today. Read more

"100 Citizens" in the Los Angeles Times

April 1, 2015

100 citizens participants at the park

"In this neighborhood exercise class, the pushups aren't for pushovers."  Los Angeles Times columnist Sandy Banks visited CSUN's 100 Citizens fitness program at Lanark Park in Canoga Park.  "After a few minutes watching ladies maneuver 50-foot battle ropes and hoist 20-pound fitness balls," she wrote, "I decided not to embarrass myself. I put away my water bottle and pulled out my notebook.  I'd been invited by Cal State Northridge professor Steven Loy, whose kinesiology students run free boot-camp-style classes every week at Lanark and three other San Fernando Valley parks." Read the story in the LA TimesMore about 100 Citizens. Read more


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