College of HHD

Recent News in HHD

Chris and Owen Smith's Loving Legacy

September 29, 2015

owen and christine smith

They were friends and colleagues. They were husband and wife. They were two California State University, Northridge graduates and longtime faculty members whom friends referred to as soul mates. Owen ’65 (Theatre), M.A. ’67 (Drama) and Chris Smith ’64 (Home Economics), both influential members of the CSUN community, passed away just 81 days apart in 2013 — Owen after battling cancer and Chris after an accident at her home. Nearly two years have passed, and friends are still talking about their loss. Read more

2015 Coastal Clean-Up Day and CSUN EOH

September 14, 2015

lede image for coastal cleanup day

Environmental and Occupational Health Faculty Gretchen Boria-Perez has teamed up with the CSUN Center for Urban Water Resilience for 2015 Coastal Clean Up Day.  Join CSUN students along with campus and local community members to help clean up the wash in Aliso Canyon north of the CSUN campus. The water, and any debris, that runs through the canyon ultimately goes to our beaches.  Be part of a movement of more than 10,000 volunteers from all over Southern California who will do their part to clean up their local beaches, rivers, creeks and parks. Coastal Cleanup Day is a world-wide volunteer event. Last year, it drew over 600,000 participants! In L.A. alone 11,275 volunteers picked up 44,880 lbs. of debris. Read more

Oasis Wellness Center Opens

August 28, 2015

woman walking a labyrinth

Just a couple of years after we told you about construction plans for the Oaisis Wellness Center, this week, the Center opened its doors. The College of Health and Human Development played a significant role in establishing the Center and we're enthusiastic about this place of calm amid the sometimes hectic nature of student lifestyles.  Read more


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