College of HHD

HHD News to Use and Share: Internal Communications - 02-05-2018

HHD News to Use and Share is being sent to HHD faculty and staff to offer information that may be useful to you, colleagues, or students.  I will be sending emails like this periodically as news arises.  We in the Dean’s Office hope you find this helpful!  Send a new (do not reply here) email to me if you have content for next time.  Thank you!  Jean O’Sullivan, HHD Public Affairs/Communications.


HHD News to Use and Share

sunflowerCall for nominations—The Panetta Congressional Internship: This is from Elizabeth Adams, AVP Student Success, “One CSUN student is chosen each Spring to participate in the fall intern program which sends the student to Washington to work for a member of the California Congressional delegation.  A scholarship covers all expenses. This has always been a wonderful opportunity for a student (one from each CSU campus) and all of our interns have returned with wonderful things to say.  Please share this widely with faculty and students and encourage students to apply.”

  • Deadline: Friday February 23, 2016 by 4 p.m. to the Undergraduate Studies office (UN 215, MD 8203). 
  • Open to: undergraduate sophomore and junior students who have not applied for graduation.
  • Questions? Contact Elizabeth Adams or Mary Ankeny in the Undergraduate Studies office.


Shelly Thomson, Director of Undergraduate Studies offers, “an exciting calendar of spring 2018 events hosted by Graduate Studies.  Please share this information with students who are considering continuing their education beyond the baccalaureate degree.” Those same students might be interested in the Graduate Studies Upcoming Events calendar to learn how to apply to make presentations or prepare for the GRE, for example. Office of Undergraduate Studies - 818-677-2969.

The Financial Aid and Scholarship Department is promoting the CSU Trustees’ Award for Outstanding Achievement offered by the CSU, Office of the Chancellor. Awards recognize students who have:

  • overcome adversity
  • demonstrated financial need
  • and have attributes of merit including superior academic performance, significant personal achievements, and exemplary community service.

 The awards are:

  • the Trustee Emeritus Ali C. Razi Scholar will receive a $12,000 scholarship
  • the Galinson Scholarship ($8,000)
  • the Hampton Scholarship ($9,000)
  • and the Reed Scholarship ($7,500)
  • Most scholarships will be $6,000

 Students can apply through AcademicWorks on the CSUN Financial aid and scholarship department. Deadline: March 2, 2018 at 9:00pm. (Lots of scholarship info on the page!)

Do you teach on Wednesdays? Professor for a Day is Wednesday, March 28th.  Would you like to host an alum or community professional to visit your class that day?  Suggestions? Recommendations? Wishes?  Contact Lauren Lafferty, HHD External Relations, 818-677-7333.

Commencement is just around the corner. All Things Commencement

  •  Honors Convocation, May 12
  •  HHD’s Commencements, May 21
    • HHD I, 8:00am:  CADV, CDS, EOH, FCS (and ATHS with Tseng)
    • HHD II, 6:00pm: HSCI, KIN, NRS, PT, RTM


Did you get your issue of Milestones: The HHD Newsletter for alumni, friends and colleagues of CSUN/HHD?

HHD is on Facebook and Twitter.  Follow us—it’s good for your health and human development!

Do you ever wonder where stuff is?  Not like lost socks, but like, downloadable logos, CSUN communications and branding guidelines, that kind of thing? It's here on the HHD website  > For Faculty and Staff > Public Affairs Communications.

Thank you!


Jean O'Sullivan

CSUN HHD Public Affairs/Communications

February 05, 2018



Links to content:

Graduate Studies Spring 2018 Events Calendar PDF icon

Panetta Internship: Call for Nominations PDF icon