Child and Adolescent Development

Kandice Grote, Ph.D.

Headshot of Dr. Kandice Grote
Associate Professor
Office location:
Sequoia Hall 280-B


As a military brat, Kandice Grote grew up in Europe and throughout the United States before making her way to California’s Central Valley. She obtained her Ph.D. from University of California, Merced, the tenth and newest of the University of California campus. As part of the initial cohort, she helped establish relationships with community Head Starts and local preschools. There, she conducted research among low socioeconomic status monolingual and Spanish-English bilinguals to investigate the cognitive advantages of learning a second language. Her next move was to southern California in August 2015 where she joined the Department of Child and Adolescent Development at California State University, Northridge as a tenure-track Assistant Professor. She enjoys playing the violin, painting, spending time with her friends and family, and teaching!

Dr. Grote's research interests are primarily among early child development, bilingualism, language-learning, memory, executive functioning, education, music on development, and cross-cultural differences.