Previous Workshops / Archivo de Talleres

Register for upcoming workshops on our calendar!  All workshops take place online using Zoom.

¡Regístrese aquí para nuestros talleres en nuestro calendario! Todos los talleres se llevarán a cabo en linea por Zoom.

Bullying Prevention

Watch recorded workshop here

Entrenamiento para ir al Bano

Presentacion en espanol aqui

Mira el taller aqui

Toilet Training for Young Children

Watch recorded presentation here

Presentation available here

Get Ready to Return to School 

Part 2 Presentation here

Watch the recorded Part 2 workshop here

Part 1 Presentation here.

Watch the recorded Part 1 workshop here

¡Prepárate para el regreso a la escuela!  (español)

Primary tabs

Presentacion Parte 2 en espanol aqui

Mira el taller Parte 2 aqui

Presentacion Parte 1 en espanol aqui

Mira el taller Parte 1 aqui. 

Servicios de Medi-Cal (Espanol)


Vea el taller grabadora aqui

Maintaining Family Routines

Watch the recorded workshop here

Manteniendo Rutinas en la Familia

Vea el taller grabado aqui

Social Emotional Development - English

Watch the recorded webinar here

Desarrollo Socio Emocional: Formas efectivas de elogiar y reducir los comportamientos desafiantes 

Vea el taller grabado aquí

Babies to Toddlers: From Movin' to Groovin'

Watch recorded workshop here.

Presentation available here

Dental Health / Salud dental 


Watch recorded workshop here.

Vea el taller grabado aquí

Special Education Webinar - May 19, 2021

Presentation here

Early Start Speech Development

Get presentation here. (Recording not available.)

Supporting Young Children's Development in Daily Routines: A Team Approach


Watch the recorded workshop here.

Emergency Preparedness Training - March 2, 2021

Watch recorded workshop here. Emergency backpacks are for people who attended the workshop and are no longer available.

Presentation is here

Celebrating Black History Month - Author Event - February 25, 2021

Watch recorded event here

Special Education Law and Virtual Learning - Feb 17, 6:30pm (English)

Watch recorded workshop here.

Special Needs Planning with CalABLE (English)

Click here for the presentation

Click here for a comparison of CalABLE vs Special Needs Trusts

Click here to watch the recorded workshop

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) 

Watch recorded webinar from Part 1 here. Part 2 not available.

Part 1 Presentation here.

Part 2 Presentation here.

Link to Disability Rights of CA publications about SSI here

A Beginner's Guide to Special Needs Planning - Dec 3, 2020 (English)

Watch the recorded workshop on YouTube here

Special Needs Planning Information Education Guide 

Most Frequently Asked Special Needs Planning Questions

Common Planning Mistakes

ABLE Account vs. Special Needs Trust

Preparing for the Holidays during COVID-19 - Nov 17, 2020 (English)

Click here for the presentation.

Click here for the resources page. 

Click here to watch the workshop on YouTube.

Special Education Law & Virtual Learning - Nov 12, 2020 (English)

Click here to watch the workshop on YouTube.

Let's Talk about Conservatorship - Sep 10, 2020 (English)

Click here for the presentation.

Click here to watch the workshop on YouTube.

Back to School Virtually - Session 2. Problem Solving August 25, 2020 (English)

Presentation is here

Watch the workshop on YouTube here.

Regreso a la Escuela Virtualmente - Sesion 2. Resolucion de problemas 25 de agosto 2020 (Espanol)

Presentacion en espanol aqui

Mira el taller aqui

Resources for Transition Age Youth - August 20, 2020 (English) 

Click here for the presentation. 

Click here for the Transition Resource List. 

Click here to watch the workshop on YouTube.

Back to School Virtually Session 1. Preparing for Virtual Learning - August 11, 2020 (English)

Click here for the presentation

Click here to watch the workshop on YouTube.

Regreso a la Escuela Virtualmente - Sesion 1. Preparandose para el aprendizaje virtual - 11 de agosto 2020 (Espanol)

Presentacion en espanol aqui

Mira el taller aqui


Summer Fun and Safety for Special Needs Kids - July 1, 2020 (English)

Click here for presentation. 

Click here for Theme Ideas

Click here for Water Safety Checklist (English) or here for Water Safety Checklist (Spanish) 

IHSS During COVID-19 - June 9, 2020 (English)


Click here for the presentation 

Click here to watch the workshop on YouTube.


Comida para su Familia - June 5, 2020 (Espanol)

Presentacion en espanol aqui 

Mira el taller aqui  

Food for Your Family - May 15, 2020 (English)

Click here for the presentation.

Click here to watch the workshop on YouTube. 

Special Education Advocacy during COVID-19 - May 14, 2020 (English)


Click here for the presentation. 

Click here to watch the workshop on Youtube. 

Behavior @ Home Series / Comportamiento en Casa serie


Register for the webinar series here (English)

Regístrese para los seminarios aquí (español)

Instructions for Joining Meetings in Zoom pg. 2 (English)

Unirse a Reuniones en Zoom pagina 2 (Espanol)

Archived Webinars / Archivo de Seminarios

Behavior @ Home Series

Week 1: Activity Schedules and Visual Supports / Semana 1: Calendario de Actividades y Apoyo Visual 

Handout in English               Presentation in English

Horarios en Espanol             Presentacion en Espanol

Sample Activity Schedules & Visual Supports / Ejemplos de horarios de actividades y ayudas visuales 

Watch the webinar here (English)

Mira el webinar aquí (español)

Week 2: Simple Behavior Strategies / Semana 2: Estrategias Sencillas de Comportamiento

Handout in English               Presentation in English

Horarios en Espanol             Presentacion en Espanol

Watch the webinar here (English)

Mira el webinar aquí (español)

Week 3: Behavior Basics / Semana 3: Los basicos del comportamiento

Handout in English               Presentation in English

Horarios en Espanol             Presencation en Espanol

Watch the webinar here (English)

Mira el webinar aquí (español)

Week 4: The Power of Rewards / Semana 4: El poder de las recompensas

Handout in English               Presentation in English 

Horarios en Espanol             Presentacion en Espanol

Watch the webinar here (English)

Mira el webinar aquí (español)

Week 5: Strategies to Keep Kids Engaged at Home / Semana 5: Estrategias para mantenar a los ninos enfocados mientros estan en casa

Handout in English               Presentation in English 

Horarios en Espanol             Presentacion en Espanol 

Watch the webinar here (English)

Mira el webinar aquí (español)

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