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Sabbatical and DIP Leave FAQs:

Welcome to the CSUN Sabbaticals Homepage. Here you will be able to find all of the resources you need to apply for a Sabbatical or Difference-in-Pay Leave. 

Click here for a PDF version of the information on this website. 
(PDF updated on 6/11/24.
Please check this website for the most up-to-date info).

Q: What is the purpose of Sabbatical or Difference-In-Pay (DIP) Leaves?

A: A sabbatical leave is for the purpose of enhancing the University's educational environment and facilitating the professional development of faculty by affording opportunities for sustained focus on research, scholarly, and creative activity.

Q: Am I eligible to apply for a Sabbatical/DIP Leave?

A: For an initial sabbatical leave or difference-in-pay leave, a full-time faculty member must meet these requirements:

  1. They have completed 6 full academic years of full-time service at that campus in the preceding 7-year period before the leave.
  2. It has been at least 6 years since any previous sabbatical or difference-in-pay leave.
  3. Prior service credit from other institutions counts towards meeting the initial 6-year eligibility requirement.

For a subsequent sabbatical leave after an initial one, the faculty member must complete another 6 full academic years of full-time service after returning from the previous paid leave.

For a subsequent difference-in-pay leave after an initial one, the faculty member must complete 3 full academic years of full-time service after returning from the previous paid leave.

Sabbatical Eligibility:

NEW! We have created sabbatical eligibility tables to help determine when you may become eligible: 

Faculty Without Prior Sabbaticals: 

  Faculty With Prior Sabbaticals:  

Special Circumstances:


Q: I am considering applying for Sabbatical/DIP Leave and want to review the CBA provisions. Where can I find those?

A: Applicants should be familiar with Article 27 (Regular Sabbatical Leaves) or Article 28 (Difference-In-Pay Leaves) of the Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement and the CSUN Sabbatical Leave Policy in Section 672 of the Administrative Manual.


Q: How Do I Apply for a Sabbatical?

 A: Please follow the 3-Step Process Below:

Step 1 →

Step 2 →

Step 3

Fill out the Google Form to indicate intent to apply for a Sabbatical or Difference-In-Pay Leave (DIP Leave).

Click here for the Google Form Link


This Google Form is due by Friday, September 13, 2024 or earlier.

What do I do now?

  • After you turn in the form, Faculty Affairs will "create a case" for you in Interfolio
    using your provided information. This typically takes a few days.


  • Please wait for an email from Interfolio, telling you that a "case has been created."


  • Then, you can start applying for your Sabbatical/DIP Leave.
  • Please contact us if you have not received an email from Interfolio by EOD 9/17/24.



Complete the PDF application for sabbaticals which will take place during the 2025-26 Academic Year.

Click here for the link to the PDF application, which is Step 2 of the Sabbatical/DIP Leave process.

Details required include:


- Detailed activities 

- Benefits to the university

-Resources needed

- Supplemental support

-Attach 1-page CV


Upload the completed PDF application and required documents through Interfolio:

Details required include:

- Application Form

- Proposal (3 pg max)

- Current CV (1 pg max)

- Employment memo (if applicable/if you intend on working while on sabbatical)

Refer to the correct Interfolio Guide for your situation – see below:  

For Applicants:
Refer to the left panel on this page,
or Click Here for a Step-By-Step guide with screenshots
for uploading materials to Interfolio.

For Reviewers:
Refer to the left panel on this page,
or Click Here for a Step-By-Step guide with screenshots
for Department Chairs, DPCs/CPCs, or Deans reviewing applications.




Q: Do I need to format my 3-Page Sabbatical Proposal in any particular way?

A: Please use standard font size and margins.


Q: I am on Step 3 and am a Sabbatical/DIP Leave Applicant. How Do I Use Interfolio to Apply for a Sabbatical?

A: Please look at the panel on the left of this page, or Click Here for a Step-By-Step guide with screenshots for uploading materials to Interfolio.


Q: I am a Sabbatical/DIP Leave Reviewer (Dept. Chair, DPC, CPC, Dean…). How Do I Review Sabbatical Cases in Interfolio?

A: Please look at the panel on the left of this page,, or Click Here for a Step-By-Step guide with screenshots for Department Chairs, DPCs/CPCs, or Deans reviewing applications.



Q: What are the timeframes for Sabbatical Leaves for different faculty positions? (i.e., AY Faculty/AY Counselor; Librarian/12-Month Faculty/12-Month Counselor; 12-Month Department Chair)?

A: Please see below from Article 27 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement:

The salary of an academic year faculty employee or an academic year counselor faculty unit employee on a sabbatical leave shall be in accordance with the following: one (1) semester at full salary; two (2) semesters at one-half (1/2) of full salary; one (1) quarter at full salary; two (2) quarters at three-fourths (3/4) of full salary; three (3) quarters at one-half (1/2) of full salary.

The salary of a librarian, 12 month faculty employee, or 12-month counselor faculty unit employee on a sabbatical leave shall be in accordance with the following:                                                          

At semester campuses: four (4) months at full salary; eight (8) months at one-half (1/2) of full salary.  

The start date of a sabbatical for a 12-month faculty employee with instructional responsibilities shall coincide with the start date of the appropriate academic term.                

Faculty employees serving as department chairs (class codes 2481, 2482) shall be assigned to the equivalent 12-month or academic year instructional faculty classification (e.g. 2361, 2360) for the duration of the sabbatical, and will not receive the department chair stipend while on sabbatical leave.             

If a faculty unit employee occupies a split position with both academic year and 12-month components, the higher appointment time base will normally be used to establish whether the faculty unit employee is placed into an academic year position or a 12-month position for the duration of the sabbatical. Upon request of the faculty unit employee and approval of the appropriate administrator, a faculty unit employee whose majority appointment is on a 12month basis may be assigned to an academic year position for the duration of the sabbatical.         

A sabbatical of two (2) semesters or two (2) or three (3) quarters may be implemented within a two (2) consecutive year period, subject to the recommendations of the Professional Leave Committee and the appropriate administrator and the approval of the President.


Q: What happens to my health benefits and other accruals while on sabbatical?

A: Please see below from Article 27 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement:

A faculty unit employee on sabbatical leave shall be considered in work status and shall receive health, dental and appropriate fringe benefits provided by the CSU in the same manner as if they were not on sabbatical leave. A faculty unit employee on sabbatical leave shall be entitled to accrue sick leave, vacation, and service credit toward service salary increase eligibility, eligibility toward promotion, if applicable, and seniority.


Q: I am considering applying for a Difference-in-Pay Leave (DIP Leave) (not a sabbatical). How is my salary calculated?

A: How this is calculated:

  • DIP = Normal Monthly Salary minus Minimum of Rank 2, Instructor, AY Salary (which is currently $5,007, as shown at this link: Faculty Salary Schedule AY as of 7/1/23) equals Monthly Salary on DIP Leave.


Q: I am applying for Sabbatical/DIP Leave but wish to work while on sabbatical. What should I do?

A: Any work while on sabbatical requires approval. Faculty who want to work while on Sabbatical/DIP Leave must receive prior approval from the Provost. If you anticipate working while on sabbatical, please note it on the sabbatical application and include appropriate supporting documentation, including the time and compensation that will be received. The additional work must correspond to the sabbatical objective indicated in the application.


Q: I wish to work while on Sabbatical/DIP Leave, but I have already submitted my application. What should I do?

A: Any work while on sabbatical requires approval. Faculty who want to work while on Sabbatical/DIP Leave must receive prior approval from the Provost. After the application process, faculty can request approval by writing a memo to Faculty Affairs outlining the reason for the work and including supporting documents, including the time and compensation that will be received. The additional work must correspond to the sabbatical objective noted in the application.


Q: What is the timeframe for the Sabbatical/DIP Leave review?

A: Please see below for the Notification Process: 

Sabbatical/DIP Leave Notification Process:

September 20 (Fri.)

Sabbatical Leave Applications from Faculty

Due to the Department Chair.

October 4 (Fri.) or earlier

Sabbatical Leave Evaluations from the Department

Due to Applicants.

October 11 (Fri.) or earlier


Sabbatical Leave Applications from Department

Due to College.

November 6 (Wed.) or earlier


Sabbatical Leave Recommendations from College

Due to Applicant.

November 13 (Wed.) or earlier


Sabbatical Leave Applications from College

Due to Dean.

November 19 (Tues.) or earlier


Sabbatical Leave Recommendations from Dean

Due to President.

January 3 (Fri.) or earlier


Sabbatical Leave Decisions from the President

Due to Applicants.

Click here for the 2024-25 AY Calendar of Personnel Procedures , which contains Sabbatical/DIP Leave and other deadlines.

Q: I received a letter from the President/Provost and have been awarded a Sabbatical! What is the next step?

A: Congratulations!A Promissory Note will be issued if a Sabbatical or Difference in Pay Leave is awarded. Please sign and return the Promissory Note as soon as possible to accept the Leave. Links to the Sabbatical Leave Promissory Note and the DIP Leave Promissory Note for leaves being taken in AY 2025-26 coming soon.

Q: What is the Promissory Note?

A: The Promissory Note is an agreement that you will return to your faculty position after your sabbatical leave for at least a time equivalent to the amount of salary paid during the leave. For example, someone taking a one-semester sabbatical in Fall 2024 would need to return to regular work at CSU through Spring 2025. The Promissory Note is standard procedure for all faculty members taking sabbatical leaves, as outlined in Article 27:


27.9 Final approval of a sabbatical leave shall not be granted until the applicant has filed with the President a suitable bond or an accepted statement of assets (not including PERS holdings) and/or a promissory note that is individually or collectively at least equal to the amount of salary paid during the leave.  The guarantee posted shall indemnify the State of California against loss in the event the employee fails to render the required service in the CSU following return of the employee from the sabbatical leave.  The guarantee posted shall immediately be canceled in full upon completion of required service or upon waiver of that service by mutual agreement of the faculty member and the CSU.


Q: I have been awarded a Sabbatical or DIP Leave, but something unexpectedly happened, and I would like to request a Sabbatical/DIP Leave Deferral. How do I do that?

A: In exceptional circumstances, deferrals may be considered. A deferral is not guaranteed and, if approved, is unlikely to be approved for a second time. The sabbatical deferral application includes a justification for deferral along with recommendations from the chair and dean. Approvals are at the discretion of the Provost. 

Deferral requests for Fall Semester or Academic Year (AY) Leaves are due no later than April 1. 

Deferral requests for Spring Semester Leaves are due no later than October 1.

Deferrals may be considered by completing this form: Click here to access the Sabbatical/DIP Leave Deferral application.


Q: I was not awarded a sabbatical and would like to transfer my request to a DIP Leave. How do I do that?

A: Please see below for how to apply for a DIP Leave in this scenario:

  • Please inform your dean of your interest and which semester (or AY).
  • Ask the dean to reply with their decision in writing (either way) and copy Faculty Affairs (faculty.affairs@csun.edu).
  • Faculty Affairs will then review the request, and will let you know the final decision.


As a reminder, this is how your salary would be calculated on a DIP Leave:

How this is calculated:

  • DIP = Normal Monthly Salary minus Minimum of Rank 2, Instructor, AY Salary (which is currently $5,007, as shown at this link: Faculty Salary Schedule AY as of 7/1/23) equals Monthly Salary on DIP Leave.



Q: I am back from my sabbatical! What is the next step?

A: Welcome back! You will need to write and submit a Sabbatical Leave Report. Faculty members granted leaves with pay shall, within 90 days after return to service, submit a written report of their leave activities to the Department Chair and the Dean of the College for inclusion in their Personnel Action Files (PAF). Failure to submit a report may call into question future eligibility for a sabbatical. You do not need to send the report to Faculty Affairs, but please feel free to contact us with questions.


Q: Do I need to format my Sabbatical Leave Report in any particular way?

A: Please use regular font size/margins. As this is turned in to your Department Chair and the Dean of the College for inclusion in your Personnel Action File (PAF), please check with your department for specific questions.

Q: Do I need to turn in a Leave Report for DIP Leaves?

A: Yes, per 672.4 Leave Report: Faculty members granted leaves with pay will, within 90 days after return to service, submit a written report of their leave activities to the Department Chair and the Dean of the College for inclusion in their Personnel Action Files. 


If you have questions regarding sabbatical/DIP leaves, click here to contact the Office of Faculty Affairs or call 818-677-3280 (x3280).

We hope you find your sabbatical leave to be fulfilling, enriching, and productive!