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CHRS for Tenure-Track and Full-Time Faculty Hires

This page offers guidance for navigating the Common Human Resources System (CHRS) for Full-Time and Tenure-Track Faculty Hires

What is CHRS?

CHRS is the system of record for Full-Time and Tenure-Track Faculty hires. It is a single HR system for all 23 campuses in the California State University system. For additional details about the system, please visit: https://www.csun.edu/hr/chrs

What CHRS access should I have?

Department Coordinator: CSURSPUT Department Admin Plus
Deans Assistant: CSURSPUT HR Business Partner Plus
Department Chair and Dean: CSURSPUT Hiring Manager Plus
Committee Chair and Committee Members: CSURSPU Search Committee Member with Compile. *Access is assigned to all faculty upon hire.

How do I gain access?

Someone at the Department or College level needs to assign this access. The request page within the new CSUN portal under the Campus & Operations drop-down menu > Information Technology > Application Access Request. (Old) Instructions

CHRS User Guides  

Are you ready to publish your Advertisement?

Are you ready to review your applicants?

Are you ready to make a Job Offer?

Quick Guides/Short Videos (coming soon)

These tasks are to be completed by the Department Chair or Coordinator in consultation with the search committee.
