Employee Wellbeing

Staff Service Awards - 2024 Anticipated Honorees

The 2024 Staff Service & Recognition of Excellence Awards Event:

The 58th Annual CSUN Staff Service and Recognition of Excellence Awards Event will be held Thursday, September 19, 2024, at the University Student Union, Northridge Center.

Staff Service Awards:

Each year, the University honors staff, managers and auxiliary employees on their 5, 10, 15, and other five year service increments.  We typically honor approximately 330 employees for collectively providing more than 3,000 years of service to the University.

You can view a listing of Employees Scheduled to be Recognized for Their Years of Service to the University at the 2024 Event here

If you believe that your name should be on the list, but it is not, or your name is on the list and you believe it should not be, please submit the Staff Service Award Honoree List Inquiry Form or contact Heather Kennedy at Heather.Kennedy @csun.edu, as soon as possible, and no later than June 21, 2024.

Recognition of Excellence Awards:

The University has created programs to recognize the outstanding contributions of staff and administrators. Awards include the CSUN Presidential Award, CSUN Award of Merit, Jolene Koester Team Award, the CSUN Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Award, the CSUN Student Assistant Award, the CSUN Leadership Award, the CSUN Community Engaged Staff Award, and the CSUN Sustainability Award. Recipients of these awards are recognized at the Annual Staff Service and Recognition of Excellence Awards ceremony. All staff and faculty are invited and eligible to submit nominations.

Nomination Forms for 2024 Awards are available now and must be submitted online by Close of Business, Friday, June 21, 2024.

Tips for writing/submitting your nomination:

Considering the criteria and values noted, provide specific examples, feedback, quotes, or other evidence to tell us why the individual or team deserves to be recognized for that award.  

  • Describe how the university, students, faculty, staff, etc. have been impacted or have benefited from the work of the individual or team.
  • Demonstrate how the individual's or team's work or behavior aligns with the University’s mission, values, and vision

The quantity of nominations is not taken into consideration. It is the quality of the single written nomination, which must include specific examples, that is key in the selection committee’s review of nominations.

Be prepared to complete your submission in one sitting as the form will not auto-save your progress. It is recommended that you type out your nomination responses in a separate word document prior to entering your responses in this survey.

If you are not the nominee's direct supervisor, please consider sharing with the nominee's supervisor, that you have submitted a nomination.


1. CSUN PRESIDENTIAL AWARD:  The CSUN Presidential Award is granted annually to a staff member who sustains consistent, outstanding performance and demonstrates the values of the University. The staff member has  contributed to the improvement of existing processes or the development of new ones, and is involved in campus initiatives and community activities guided by and aligned with the mission, values and vision of the University

2. CSUN AWARD OF MERIT:  The CSUN Award of Merit is presented to employees who exemplify exceptional performance and demonstrate integrity and service to the University community.

3. JOLENE KOESTER TEAM AWARD:  The Jolene Koester Team Award is presented to a team of university employees who collaborate on a project, process, or other initiative that brings about significant positive change that improves performance or productivity and/or reduces costs or enhances the image of the University.

4. EXCELLENCE In DIVERSITY & INCLUSION AWARD:  The Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Award is presented to an employee who exemplifies through leadership and positive interactions with others, a commitment to the spirit of diversity and a profound respect for all people from different backgrounds, life experiences, learning styles, and points of view within the University community.

5. CSUN STUDENT ASSISTANT OF THE YEAR AWARD:  The CSUN Student Assistant of the Year Award is granted annually to one student employee in a Student Assistant classification, who demonstrates exceptional contributions to their department by their outstanding skill-set, professionalism and quality of work and service to the University community.

6. CSUN LEADERSHIP AWARD:  The CSUN Leadership Award is granted annually to an Administrator who sustains consistent and outstanding demonstration of the Leadership Principles.  The Administrator has exhibited a commitment to connect his/her work with the campus's eight planning priorities.

7. CSUN COMMUNITY ENGAGED STAFF AWARD:  The CSUN Community Engaged Staff Award is presented to a staff member or administrator whose efforts created greater collaboration between CSUN and our larger communities (local, regional/state, national, global) in order to contribute to the public good. 

8. CSUN Sustainability Award: The CSUN Sustainability Award is presented to an employee who goes above and beyond their work duties to support CSUN’s Sustainability Priority. The recipient embodies what it means to be a sustainable Matador through the implementation of operational, business, educational and/or behavioral changes. The successful honoree demonstrates passion, creativity and commitment to improve sustainability at CSUN.