College of Education Self-Care

  • Participants at the self-care drum session
  • Sunset over water
  • Blue lens flares
  • Zen garden with rocks
  • Sunset over hills
  • Spiral staircase
  • Path through trees with autumn leaves

Self-care: Great resources for faculty, staff, COE students, teachers, families, & k-12 students

August 24, 2020

Dear Michael D. Eisner College of Education community,

As we begin the fall semester under incredible pressure and challenges, we need all the self-care resources we can get for ourselves and the communities that we serve. So take a look at this extensive list of self-care resources below for faculty, staff, COE students, teachers, families, & k-12 students. Now decide what you will be doing to stay balanced in these stressful times, and how you will support those you work with to do the same. This is an essential action that we must commit to.

And please can continue to look at our COE self-care website for resources for physical, mental, and social-emotional self-care for faculty, staff, and COE students at:

May these resources inspire you to commit to a self-care plan now and help others you work with do the same.


Shari and Josh