College of Education Self-Care

  • Participants at the self-care drum session
  • Sunset over water
  • Blue lens flares
  • Zen garden with rocks
  • Sunset over hills
  • Spiral staircase
  • Path through trees with autumn leaves

COE Self-Care in Spring 2016

January 27, 2016

Dear COE staff and faculty,

     Happy New Year, and welcome back to a new semester of COE staff and faculty self-care. Our COE self-care program was one of the selected presentations at last week's faculty retreat, and was greeted with much support. We are now a model for other colleges on campus who are starting their own self-care programs. 

    So what are some of the faculty and staff self-care activities in our college this spring? We begin next Tuesday, February 2nd, 12-1 in Ed 1214 with a wonderful presentation/tasting called For the Love of Chocolate! The Joys and Nutritional Benefits of Chocolate! Come join Joyce Burstein, Chair of the Department of Elementary Education, and Dietitian Ellen Bauersfeld who will take us on a fun adventure in tasting different chocolate from around the world, and then talk about why chocolate may be good for you in this timely presentation just before Valentine's Day. If you missed Joyce's chocolate tasting session a year ago with the Equity and Faculty Affairs self-care workshop, here is your chance to do it now! And there will be chocolate to taste! 

     We are again fortunate to have Ellen Bauersfeld back for four nutrition wisdom sessions throughout this semester, so watch for email notices and check the website for dates and times. 

   And speaking of good healthy eating, want to feel good about getting in some light midday activity but also enjoy a healthy lunch afterward? This spring we will begin a Walk to Lunch Mondays starting Monday, Feb. 8th 12:15 -12:45, and leaving from the the EPC Office 1218. Join our own Maria King as she leads us on a different CSUN walking path each Monday during the noon hour. We'll visit points of interest on campus and discover different locations where we can pick up a healthy lunch while we are on this half hour walk! This will be relaxing and fun, with time to eat once we return.

   Returning this spring is our Journey into Mindfulness and Meditation beginning Tuesday, Feb. 1st , and taking place every Tuesday from 2 to 2:30 pm in the CTL Conference Room on the first floor of the Education Building. Diane Gehart and Josh Einhorn will lead us in creative, relaxing, and centering mindfulness and meditation exercises. Singing bowl anyone? 

     Also returning by popular demand, we are hoping to offer another wonderful presentation by the Theodore Payne Foundation for Wild Flowers and Native Plants called "We've got to get ourselves BACK To THE (sustainable) GARDEN!" Watch our website and emails for the spring date of our sustainability and gardening presentation.

     Finally, stay tuned (no pun intended!) for the spring dates for some fun with music and other possibilities in self-care. We will keep you informed through emails, an announcement board in our lobby, and on this website at

Have a great semester and take good care of yourselves.
