College of Education Self-Care

  • Participants at the self-care drum session
  • Sunset over water
  • Blue lens flares
  • Zen garden with rocks
  • Sunset over hills
  • Spiral staircase
  • Path through trees with autumn leaves

COE Self-Care Activities Week Eight

March 28, 2016

Dear COE staff and faculty,

Welcome back from what I hope was a quiet and fulfilling spring break week. We resume our self-care activities this week, but will offer only one activity-our Journey into Mindfulness and Meditation in the CTL Conference Room on Tuesday, March 29th from 2 to 2:30 pm with Josh Einhorn. Our COE has two other wonderful events happening this week that we encourage all to attend!

On Monday, March 28, from 11:00-1:00 in ED 1216 EFAC presents Social Justice Dialogues. Domination, Power, & Privilege: The impact on Teaching and Learning  featuring Dr. Flavia Fleischer. This program will include social justice education, small group discussion, and large group processing. Lunch Provided by EFAC. A terrific presentation!

On Wednesday, March 30th from 1-3 pm in Ed 1214/1216 CTL presents a LGBTQ workshop sponsored by the CTL. Learn what's appropriate in showing your support for individuals who are LGBTQ at this very important workshop!  Sign up at

Please continue to check our website for more great activities to be scheduled throughout the semester.

I hope the week brings wonderful moments for each of you!
