College of Education Self-Care

  • Participants at the self-care drum session
  • Sunset over water
  • Blue lens flares
  • Zen garden with rocks
  • Sunset over hills
  • Spiral staircase
  • Path through trees with autumn leaves

COE Self-Care Activities for July and August

July 20, 2016

Hello COE faculty and staff! 

    This summer's topic is self-care and travel! How do we define travel? Any trip away from our normal routines and living spaces that gives us a new and different experience could be considered travel. And many of us do our traveling in summer. 

     We're inspired by a theme of "traveling for bliss" in the July issue of National Geographic Traveler Magazine.  This issue features a perspective piece on travel in a discussion with the Dalai Lama, who believes "travel teaches trust, and trust leads to happy lives." When we travel, we have a chance to gain a wider perspective on life and share it with others, according to this article. 

     Other articles in this issue describe places where travelers can experience bliss though various types of wellness and self-care activities-walking in exotic locations, yoga and meditation retreats, enjoying a nature trip in the forest, or visiting locations focused on healing, such as healing waters.  And blissful travel always includes traveling with loved ones to special locations. 

     So have you experienced any great travel yet this summer? What made it so great? We'd like to hear from you about any special travel places and experiences that have lead to positive self-care experiences for you, including local areas to visit. Also, we are looking for good phone apps for travel. Just drop an email to Shari or Carolyn to share any travel locations or apps that you like, and we'll add this information to our resources on travel. For information on articles about travel, favorite places to travel, short trips to special places in the area, and travel apps for your phone, see Self-care and Travel in Articles & Information on Self-Care.  

May your travels be full of bliss this summer!
