Secondary Education

Secondary Education Professors Earn Fulbright Programs

February 8, 2023

Conrad Ulpindo and Mark Ryan, faculty members in the Department of Secondary Education, both recently gained international experience through competitive Fulbright programs.

Dr. Ulpindo participated in the Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program, a yearlong professional learning opportunity for U.S. educators to develop skills to prepare K-12 students for a competitive global economy. Dr. Ulpindo worked with the International Research and Exchanges of the Department of State’s Fulbright Programs to learn about integrating global programs, UN sustainability goals, improving math, and science education, migrant education, teacher-preparation programs, and integrating international collaboration with the world. He completed his fieldwork in Finland. Learn more about Dr. Ulpindo's journey here (.pdf)

Dr. Conrad Ulpindo is welcomed by Fulbright Finland at the Helsinki International Airport on Nov. 1, 2022 US Fulbright Scholars to Finland 2021-2022 taken in the Senate Square Conrad Ulpindo with students in a classroom in Helsinki

Dr. Ryan participated in a Fulbright Specialist Program in Guyana January 9-27. He led an effort at Georgetown American University in Guyana's capital city to revamp their medical-school curriculum by identifying clear learning targets for each course and writing targeted performance and traditional assessments (both formative and summative). He then taught GAU's faculty how to incorporate the learning targets and revised assessments into course syllabi focused on authentically measuring the extent to which each student successfully mastered the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed in the ever-changing field of medicine.