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Northridge Academy High School

Northridge Academy High School (NAHS) has a unique partnership with CSUN, due to the fact that NAHS is on CSUN's campus.  The close proximity of both institutions provides exclusive opportunities for staff and students from both institutions to interact.  Reflecting this partnership, NAHS has small learning communities/academies that correspond with three major colleges at CSUN:  Health & Human Development, Arts, Media & Communication, and Careers in Education.

A faculty liaison from CSUN is assigned to NAHS to facilitate the partnership and expanded learning opportunities for the students on both campuses.  Faculty from NAHS and LAUSD administration regularly meet with the CSUN liaison and other faculty to coordinate projects based on school needs.  In addition, students at NAHS have access to a wide variety of CSUN resources, including check-out privileges at the CSUN Oviatt Library.  CSUN faculty, from all colleges, are often invited to speak at large assemblies at NAHS, including Autism Week and Banned Books Week.  CSUN faculty also participate in intervention programs at NAHS, such as Math Camp, a summer program for incoming ninth graders, that is now in it's fifth year of implementation.

CSUN undergraduate students, from all colleges, visit NAHS classrooms and involve students in specific projects and presentations, and some participate in NAHS after-school tutoring programs.  NAHS students visit CSUN classrooms and attend University-wide events as well as show at the Soraya.  NAHS also serves as a teaching facility for present and future teachers through collaboration with the Michael D. Eisner College of Education and the Credential Office.  Student teachers are consistently placed at NAHS each semester and CSUN holds professional development sessions at NAHS once a semester for current teachers.