Deaf Studies

Deaf Studies Retreat 2020--CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19

March 13, 2020

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the cancellation of the Deaf Studies Retreat 2020.  After receiving news from campus administration about CSUN’s transition to virtual classes and the immediate cancellation of all university related, non-essential travel due to COVID-19, we have been instructed to cancel our event as a preventative measure to minimize the spread of the virus.  We understand that this is very disappointing news, but we are driven by the overarching priority to ensure the health and safety of every member of our community by increasing social distancing and limiting the number of large gatherings.  These actions are in accordance with the recommendations of public health officials. 

For those of you who already submitted applications/payment for the retreat (either in person or via mail), you will be issued a full refund.  The Deaf Studies Association will be providing more information about that in the coming days.  In the meantime, if you should have any questions, please feel free to contact the DSA at