8:00PM - 10:00PM Perfoming Arts Center - CSUN
'Spotlight on Deaf Individuals'
Stellar Contributions to Hollywood Films & Deaf Films'
The program is dedicated to Leonard "Lenny" Meyer ~ 1920-2005
Welcome Remarks:
Genie Gertz, Deaf Studies Department
Kay Vincent, Sorenson VRS
Dedication of the Program to
Leonard "Lenny"Meyer
Lawrence Fleischer, Deaf Studies
Getting to Know Better of the
Evening Host,
Gregg Brooks
Working Behind the Scenes:
Bernard Bragg - 'And Your Name Is Jonah'
Julianna Fjeld - 'Love
Is Never Silent'
Hollywood and Deaf Community at
the Crossroads
'Calendar Girl'
Out Front the Camera
Howie Seago
Critiques of Hollywood Film 'Children of a Lesser God'
Deaf Film 'I Love You But...'
Stan Suchuchman
Mel Carter
Special Tribute to Audree Norton
April 9, 2005
10:00AM - 4:00PM
Johnson Auditorium (ENG 100)
'The Future of Deaf Cinema' -
Panel Discussion
10:00AM Greetings & Introductions
Kay Vincent, SorensonVRS
Lawrence Fleischer, Co-Moderator
Genie Gertz, Co-Moderator
'I Would Love to
See Many More Deaf Movies'
Die-hard Movie Buff:
Mel Carter
'Here's My
Proposal for Future Directions of Deaf Cinema'
Sagacious Visionaries:
Stan Schuchman, Bernard Bragg & Gregg Brooks