• 39th CSUN Assistive Technology Conference - March 18-22, 2024 at the Anaheim Marriott

    The Premier AT Conference

39th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference Has Concluded

Innovative Model for Accessible UX & Blindness Workforce Dev

Date & Time
Friday, March 22, 2024 - 11:20 AM PDT  
Grand GH  
Explore how LightHouse SF is on the cutting-edge of delivering Accessible UX Services for technology companies in areas such as accessible gaming, autonomous driving, AR/VR, streaming services, hospitality, and consumer electronics. These Accessible UX Services help technology partners optimize the accessibility of their products/services through usability testing of apps/websites, UX research studies with blind/low vision trusted testers, corporate AT trainings, and product demo walk-throughs with AT tools. Through this Accessible UX work, we are cultivating blind/low vision talent by creating a new workforce development program at LightHouse that’s comprised of employment services and internship programs, blindness skills and job certification trainings, and career opportunities nationwide. Our vision is to help close the blindness unemployment gap of 70% by developing a talent pipeline of skilled candidates to add value and diversity to the workforce. Join our presentation to learn Accessible UX best practices to make your organization’s apps/websites and products more accessible as well as how our talent pipeline of blind/low vision professionals can positively impact your workforce.  
  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Disability Specific
  • Research & Development
  • Employment & Human Resources
  • Administration & Business Support
Audience Level
Session Summary (Abstract)
Learn about LightHouse SF’s Accessible UX Services for companies to improve product accessibility through usability testing, UX research & AT training. Attend our session on Accessible UX & discover our new blindness workforce dev program.  
Primary Topic
Digital Accessibility  
Secondary Topics
  • Blind/Low Vision
  • Design
  • Employment & Workplace
  • Research
Session Type
General Track  


  • Sean Dougherty
    LightHouse for the Blind - San Francisco
  • Ed Wong
    LightHouse for the Blind - San Francisco

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