38th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference Has Concluded
Visual Search Deficits in People with MD: A VR Study
- Date & Time
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 11:20 AM PST
- Location
Grand CD
- Description
MD (Macular Degeneration) is caused by changes to the macula, hindering predominantly the central vision which is used when looking straight at something. However, MD does not affect the peripheral vision, and people with MD can perceive the environment to a certain extent, generally lacking of clarity and detail compared to central vision. This condition is often very disabling in everyday life and it can be very frightening for the person experiencing it.
The aim of this study was to investigate whether Virtual Reality (VR) technologies with integrated eye-tracking can be used to assess and to train people’s skills to search for objects in space when central vision is degraded. Eye-tracking has not been used with people with visual impairments in VR and as such we are exploring the efficiency of using such measures for future research. For this study, 20 participants (fully sighted and with MD) were recruited and were asked to spatially detect and identify 3D objects within a custom-designed VR space. They were asked to find these objects while continuous real-time eye gaze movement and fixation tracking were enabled together with the tracking of behavioural and verbal responses. Results show a deficit in visual detection and discrimination in people with MD that can be explained by altered visual search patterns as measured by eye tracking. These findings will help us understand visual search deficits in people with MD and provide opportunity for training and education.
- Audience
- Disability Specific
- Healthcare & Rehabilitation
- Entertainment & Recreation
- Media & Publishing
- Research & Development
- Audience Level
- Session Summary (Abstract)
This study is investigating how current commercial VR and eye tracking technologies could be utilised and how they perform on people with MD. We discuss observations, testimonials, findings and suggestions on how a VR headset can be used efficiently.
- Primary Topic
Blind/Low Vision
- Secondary Topics
- Digital Accessibility
- Gaming & Interactive Entertainment
- Research
- Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), & Cross/Mixed Reality (XR)
- Session Type
General Track
- Theo Kempapidis
Bravo Victor
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