38th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference Has Concluded
Disability Staff Evaluation by Students
- Date & Time
Friday, March 17, 2023 - 3:20 PM PST
- Location
Orange County 3-4
- Description
Across most U.S. college campuses, student evaluation of faculty is done every semester for every course taught. This is vital for evaluating faculty for promotion and tenure. However, the same student evaluation process is not used for staff of disability centers. These staff are evaluated only by their disability center directors. Once a year, some registered students with disabilities at many universities provide feedback in satisfaction surveys that include their general assessment of disability center services. Unfortunately, this disability center feedback does not include student satisfaction with the disability staff member who was assigned to assist them. Relevant data from one large university disability center (which registers thousands of students) were analyzed in ongoing student surveys. In addition to an assessment of student satisfaction with specific staff, the analysis of the surveys provides direct feedback on whether the student’s expressed disability needs were met. The surveys had linked information which included: student enrollment status (e.g., full-time status), demographic variables (e.g., gender), academic variables (e.g., major), and center variables (e.g., the general reason for the meeting with the staff member). Overall, a detailed evaluation of disability center staff by the students they assist is clearly necessary to accurately assess the overall quality and effectiveness of individual service providers.
- Audience
- Higher Education
- Information & Communications Technology
- Research & Development
- Employment & Human Resources
- Administration & Business Support
- Audience Level
- Session Summary (Abstract)
Imagine students evaluating disability staff. Learn the benefits of student evaluation and how to effectively gather and leverage their perspectives.
- Primary Topic
Leadership & Strategy
- Secondary Topics
- Education
- Evaluation & Remediation
- Information & Communications Technology (ICT)
- Research
- Session Type
General Track
- Lesley Farmer
CSU Long Beach
- Alan Safer
CSU Long Beach
- Basanth Shankar
Urban Science
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