Civil Discourse & Social Change

Webinar 2: School-to-Prison Nexus for Aspiring Educators with Dr. David Stovall

Tuesday, March 30, 2021 - 12:30pm to 1:45pm

Event Flyer

Webinar 2: School-to-Prison Nexus for Aspiring Educators with Dr. David Stovall

Tuesday, March 30,12:30-1:45 p.m. (PST)
Zoom ID: 8803 098 2413
Passcode: 949970

In this webinar, Dr. David Stovall (he/him/his) defines the school-to-prison nexus and asks if the logics of the school and the prison are often the same thing, what does that look like in classrooms? Dr. Stovall will provide everyday examples that helps educators and students recognize education as policing, and discuss the need to work against carcerality in schools.
David Stovall, Ph.D. is Professor of Black Studies and Criminology, Law & Justice at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). His scholarship investigates three areas: 1) Critical Race Theory, 2) the relationship between housing and education, and 3) the intersection of race, place and school. In the attempt to bring theory to action, he works with community organizations and schools to address issues of equity, justice and abolishing the school/prison nexus. In addition to his duties and responsibilities as a professor at UIC, he is a board member of the Abolitionist Teaching Network, an organizer with People's Education Movement, and also served as a volunteer social studies teacher at the Greater Lawndale/Little Village School for Social Justice from 2005–2018.