China Institute

Fundraising for US


乡田同井 守望互助

慈济北美救助行动物资计划 (Fundraising for US): 一次性外科口罩(目标100万件)和一线医疗口罩/防护服,用于美国医院救护。

慈濟美國分會自1984 年成立以来,历次救灾都走在前沿。美國911恐怖攻擊事件,Hurricane Rita颶風,加州北岭地震,各次大火,中国的汶川地震,SARS及最近的武汉救助,都可以看到慈济志工的身影。北美灾情刚刚蔓延之初,慈济已经捐助了:Hungtionton Memory Hospital, NewYork 纽约警察IPA 和Seattle西雅图医疗机构(N95及护目镜)。UCLA医院,USC医院以及附近的医院诊所也在救助范围之内。


  1. 慈济接受网上捐款 (
  2. 支票请写:Tzu Chi
    小组成员丹丹在北岭小四川餐馆接收支票 (9250 Reseda Blvd, Northridge, CA 91324)



这次所有账目明细都会公开。 所有赞助都是慈善捐款,慈济会提供收据。 此次公益慈善活动不分宗教背景,大家聚点点滴滴爱心,汇成一股清流,帮助北美灾区!




Medical Supply Fundraising for Healthcare Workers

Tzu Chi Foundation America Rescue Action

Medical Supply: we plan to purchase disposable surgical masks, and front-line medical masks and protective suits for ER treatment in American hospitals. Since the beginning of coronavirus spreading, Tzu Chi Foundation has donated (N95 masks and goggles) to Huntington Memory Hospital, New York Police IPA, and Seattle Medical Center. Donation to UCLA Hospital and USC Hospital ICU is currently under arrangement.

  • N95-1860 medical mask: 10,000 items are our goal at this stage.
  • Disposable surgical masks: We are in the process of signing the contract with a China medical supply company for 50,000 disposable surgical masks. The final target goal is one million pieces.

Donation methods:

  1. Tzu Chi accepts online donation at
  2. Check payable to: Tzu Chi
    You can mail or drop off check to Tzu Chi Volunteer Dandan, at Northridge Szechuan Place: 9250 Reseda Blvd, Northridge, CA 91324

Please provide personal phone number on the check for contact verification. If your personal address and check address are different, please write your current address separately.

Tzu Chi Foundation is a 501(C)(3) Non-Profit organization with Tax ID: 94-2952782.
All donations to Tzu Chi are tax deductible. Since the establishment of the Tzu Chi Foundation American Chapter in 1984, Tzu Chi volunteers have always worked hard in all disaster relief efforts including US 911 terrorist attacks, Hurricane Rita hurricane, California Northridge earthquake, various Wild fires in CA, SARS and the recent coronavirus rescue in Wuhan, China.

All donations received at Tzu Chi Northridge branch will be released to public. Related documents/local donation records can be found at the bottom of this page.

There are doctors from UCLA medical center and USC hospital who have contacted us directly regarding shortage of medical supply. Let’s help the hospitals in our neighborhood and in America! Thank you so much for your support!

Tzu Chi Foundation Northridge Office Volunteers

March 23, 2020


相关文件 Related documents:

  1. Action PDF document
  2. Donation records