Center for Risk and Insurance

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AIG Tour

AIG Tour in Woodland Hills, CA (4/16/19)


30 Nazarian College students visited AIG for an educational firm tour at its regional office in Woodland Hills, CA, along with Dr. Mu-Sheng Chang (Apr. 16, 2019).

Special thanks to Christina Mena at the Alumni Office who organized and coordinated this tour as part of CSUN Corporate Connect Program.

 This tour was hosted by the following presenters at AIG:

  • Tina Haley, SVP, Individual Retirement Products
  • Monica Pinon, HR manager
  • Stefan Bachrach, Sr. Talent Acquisition Consultant
  • Jihad Hawa, Senior Project Manager (CSUN Alum)
  • Neline Ploozian ’18 (Finance), Internal Sales (CSUN Alum)
  • Adam Cottrell ’14 (Finance), Suitability Analyst (CSUN Alum)
  • Nelson Castro ’17 (Management), Service Relationship Manager (CSUN Alum)
  • Rhonda El Allamy, QA/IT Support Business Analyst (CSUN Alum)

Feel free to leave your feedback or read students' feedback on LinkedIn

 Tina Haley, SVP, Individual Retirement Products

Monica Pinon, HR manager

Stefan Bachrach, Sr. Talent Acquisition Consultant

Jihad Hawa, Senior Project Manager (CSUN Alum)

Neline Ploozian ’18 (Finance), Internal Sales (CSUN Alum)

Adam Cottrell ’14 (Finance), Suitability Analyst (CSUN Alum)

Nelson Castro ’17 (Management), Service Relationship Manager (CSUN Alum)

Rhonda El Allamy, QA/IT Support Business Analyst (CSUN Alum)


CSUN students made an "A" gesture to appreciate AIG for hosting this tour. 


AIG Tour in Downtown Los Angeles (10/12/16)

Troy Mette (Managing Director of AIG) and Geraud Verhille (Financial Lines Executive of AIG) hosted CSUN students at their office in Downtown Los Angeles (Oct. 12, 2016).

  • “Had a wonderful and eye opening opportunity at the AIG tour.” Roxanna Hoss
  • “Going to the AIG tour opened up my eyes to the insurance world in a good way. I saw the amount of success that can come from one company such as the success achieved by Troy and others in the company. AIG’s willingness to work with fresh graduates gives hope to young college graduates.” Menoova Boghosian
  • “By visiting AIG firm tour I have learned a lot of things about their firm and about insurance company in general. The Director of AIG firm was successful person who was a big inspiration for his employees.” Erik Dallakyan
  • “The AIG Tour was an awesome experience! Troy gave a lot of useful information about the company as well as amazing advice for people just beginning a career in the insurance industry.” Brian Munster
  • “My recent trip to AIG can wholly be described as invigorating.  From the moment I was greeted in the lobby by Mr. Mette, to when the tour concluded, an air of excellence permeated the affair.  Be on notice; the bar for career goals has been lifted, and the word "Professionalism" has certainly been redefined.  AIG is the embodiment of financial success.” Jared Nassaney
  • “The people from AIG's Los Angeles' headquarters are welcoming, and insightful. I enjoyed the tour that we were given; it gave us an idea of AIG's evolving culture and new innovations. The advice that both Troy and Gerard provided is applicable, and worth remembering. I am thankful for this opportunity.” Isaac Ogaldez
  • “The AIG tour was an amazing opportunity to learn more about the insurance industry and the culture of a big company like AIG. The advice and information provided by Troy was insightful for us students who are getting ready to start our own careers. I am very grateful for this experience.” Miguel Acevedo
  • “I am so glad that I went to the AIG tour, and it is a wonderful experience for us to learn the inside of insurance industry. AIG values fresh intelligent and it provides many opportunities for young college graduates. I really appreciate the opportunity.” Liyuan Li
  • “AIG tour was amazing. Troy gave us a tour in the place and shared valuable information about the company. In addition, he provided us with helpful advices and guidelines that enable us to enter the workforce and build a successful career.” Dina Taian
  • “My experience with AIG was incredibly eye opening. It was interesting to learn about the industry outside of a classroom setting, as well as to hear from professionals about their career paths, and how they came to be as successful as they are today. It was also exciting to hear about how AIG offers so many positions around the world - something I am very interested in.” Hillary Stargardter
  • “My experience with AIG was incredibly eye opening. It was interesting to learn about the industry outside of a classroom setting, as well as to hear from professionals about their career paths, and how they came to be as successful as they are today. It was also exciting to hear about how AIG offers so many positions around the world - something I am very interested in.” Hillary Stargardter
  • “By visiting AIG I learned that there are lots of good opportunities for students to do their internships over there. I learned about AIG organization culture. They will train people that come out from school and they will raise them pretty quickly. Also, I learned that the director of AIG firm is a successful person because he has the ability to do networking. Hence, I learned to be a successful person we should meet with people who can create value for us and we have to find right friends.” Renia Mirzaian
  • “After going on the AIG tour it has opened my eyes and given me a new perspective on insurance. This opportunity has provided me with greater depth of how important insurance plays a role in people's daily life. I wish to seek a career in the insurance field knowing how vital it is to people's well-being as well as providing them with the protection that they need.” Yu Zhang
  • “Leading the AIG Firm Tour, Troy and Geraud took us through their journey in the insurance industry and were able to successfully answer all the questions we walked in with. They gave us invaluable insight based off of their unique experiences. They opened up everyone’s eyes to the dynamically changing industry and how every one of us could find our place within AIG.” Hasena Nazarzai
  • “All my life I grew up was surrounded by insurance business in Thailand. Throughout the years I have met a lot of talented insurance agents and business owners, hoping one day I would be involved in the day to day operations in the big firms in the U.S. It is a dream fulfilling to have been attending this trip to the AIG office and also having this great opportunity to meet AIG's successful executives. AIG is a visionary company that foresees the opportunities in the young and intelligent workforce. Mr. Geraud and Mr. Troy became my great inspirational role models, in that one day, I will pursue my passion and thrive in this field of insurance.” Chaiyhaghone "M" Kuptanisakorn
  • “The AIG tour enlightened us on the enormous global opportunities that Insurance industry offers all over the world. Troy Mette and Géraud Verhille welcomed us with great hospitality, answered to all our instructive questions, and informed us about the innovation in insurance. In addition, they gave us some precious career advices on creating value, making professional and personal choices, networking, and financial plan.”  Amel Tata

AIG: Geraud Verhille (10/12/16)

Geraud Verhille (Financial Lines Executive of AIG) addressed the questions posed by CSUN students from his global experiences (Oct. 12, 2016). 

AIG: Troy Mette (10/12/16)

Troy Mette (Managing Director of AIG) shared with CSUN students his career suggestions and the corporate culture that sets AIG apart (Oct. 12, 2016).