Scott Kleinman

Scott Kleinman
Scott Kleinman



Ph.D. 1997, University of Cambridge


Department: English
Office: ST 803
Tel: (818) 677-0901

Scott Kleinman works on medieval language and literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to the fourteenth century with a special emphasis on Old English and early Middle English language and dialects. His research also covers regional and cultural diversity in historiographical and romance literature. His Digital Humanities work includes the NEH-Funded Lexomics Project, which studies literature using digital methods and produces the computational text analysis tool Lexos. He is also co-Director of the Archive of Early Middle English project, which produces digital editions of English manuscripts written between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries and of the 4Humanities WhatEvery1Says Project, which text mines public discourse in order to produce tools for Humanities advocacy. In the past, he worked as a designer/developer for the online search tool Serendip-o-matic as part of the One Week | One Tool project.