Oviatt Library

WISE presents: Watching the Earth Breathe

Saturday, November 15, 2014 - 11:30am to 2:30pm

Jack & Florence Ferman Presentation Room and Donald E. Bianchi Planetarium

The Oviatt Library and the Bonita J. Campbell Endowment for Women in Science and Engineering present

Watching the Earth Breathe

All are welcome to join us for a stellar afternoon and a light lunch as we explore what NASA-JPL and other researchers in astrophysics and earth-system science are finding out about the health of our Planet-EARTH.  The adventure is free and begins at the Oviatt Library. There will be a spectacular star show at the Bianchi Planetarium and a variety of activities led by the CSUN Institute for Sustainability and JPL-NASA Education.

Featured speaker Karen Yuen - Science Data Applications Lead for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory, NASA

speaking on Spaceship Earth: Air, Land and Water

Luncheon: Jack and Florence Ferman Presentation Room, Oviatt Library
Presentation: Donald E. Bianchi Planetarium (Ages 9+), Citrus Hall

RSVP by November 10th, on our RSVP Form (http://library.csun.edu/WISE/watching-earth)

Click on the image below to see our flyer (PDF).

Watching the Earth Breathe Flyer Image