Saturday, October 29, 2022 - 9:00am to 11:10am
Location:Register for this event
In all subject areas and at all grade levels teachers and students are creating and using content. In order to model and teach how to be responsible digital citizens, teachers need to understand copyright’s protections, limitations, and role in creativity. Copyright & Creativity if a non-profit, free resource to help educators better understand copyright and to teach their students what copyright allows as well as how to use copyright as creators.
9:00am to 10:15am - Overview of Copyright Protections & Limitations demonstrating use of Copyright & Creativity Materials allowing participants to interact with activities through interactive presentation tools. Presented by Dana Greeenspan and Lisa Cheby.
- Introduction to Copyright & Creativity Portfolio of Resources on the Website.
- Explore & Apply: Grade level groups will explore the resources and find ways to use at least one item in a current assignment.
10:15am to 10:45am - Expert Panel on Fair Use in the Classroom, Copyright and Student Publications, and incorporating copyright instruction into the curriculum featuring:
- David Sohn, Attorney and Director of Copyright & Creativity.
- Brittany Fleming, Elementary Library Media Specialist, Professor in the University of Central Arkansas' Department of Leadership Studies, and Arkansas Association of Instructional Media President-elect.
Assistive Services
Requests for accommodation services (e.g., sign language interpreters or transcribers) must be made at least five (5) business days in advance. Please e-mail in advance of the event.