Program Review

Program review is a comprehensive evaluation of each certificate and degree program once every seven years for improvement and accountability. Each review evaluates the program’s effectiveness, viability, strengths and weaknesses, and its alignment with the mission and vision of the University. Since student learning is the primary goal of all academic programs, student achievement of learning outcomes in all programs is a significant component of the program review process. The review also identifies resources, commendations, and suggestions for improvement through external and internal reviews.

Results from both assessment and program review are used to ensure our students graduate with the skills, knowledge, and abilities of an educated citizen and to help departments make critical decisions regarding their program (i.e., instruction, resources, technology, hiring, facilities, and funding).

Student learning outcomes assessment and Program review processes do not require IRB review.

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In alignment with WSCUC STANDARDS on Core Commitment to Student Learning and Success, CSUN requires each academic program to participate in our annual institutional assessment practices and program review. Programs engage by aligning program learning outcomes (PLOs) and courses to the seven institutional learning outcomes (ILOs) and collecting information regarding the aligned learning outcomes.

Additionally, program review provides an opportunity for shared reflection on and evaluation of a program's mission, the educational effectiveness of its curricular and co-curricular offerings, the structure and relevance of the curriculum, the availability and efficient use of staffing and material resources, and its engagement in the broader life of the University. Program Review assesses the program's strengths, challenges, and opportunities for improvement and incorporates internal and external feedback into an action plan for the future. Program Review entails an annual comprehensive program review report and an external review on a seven-year cycle.