
College of Engineering and Computer Science Alumni Chapter


The goals and objective of the College of Engineering and Computer Science Alumni Chapter are to:

  1. Create opportunities for networking around common interests and concerns;
  2. Create sub-division committees to focus on events and interests particular to that segment of the alumni (Marketing and Communications, Student Relations, Fundraising);
  3. Coordinate with the College of Engineering and Computer Science to promote alumni events attendance;
  4. Network to advance and enhance recruiting of students to the College of Engineering and Computer Science;
  5. Promote support for scholarships within the chapter and for the CSUN Alumni Association, as well as marketing and seeking broader funding opportunities;
  6. Mobilize members around issues of interest to engineering and computer science – accomplished by communicating to members what industry issues are arising or are at the forefront of discussion.

We invite you to join the chapter and check out upcoming events.

Join Chapter Now        Upcoming Events

If you have any questions, please email: