University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library


Trying to unring the bell of high college costs

Prior to ArtCenter, Hofman played both basketball and volleyball at CSUN, and said she benefited from Title 9, which protects students from sex discrimination on campuses. ArtCenter has no student athletics — but still has to have a Title 9 office, with three people. -- Los Angeles Daily News

Eric Garcetti led L.A. during profoundly turbulent times. How will history judge him?

Tom Hogen-Esch, chair of the political science department at Cal State Northridge, said the Jacobs case gave the appearance Garcetti may have “looked the other way,” adding: “It’s really out of step with the historical moment that we’re in, where we are reexamining issues around … workplace sexual harassment.” -- Los Angeles Times

CSUN Announces ‘Survival Guide’ Ahead of Finals Week

It’s that time of year again. The days are shorter, holiday decorations are up and the stress of finals is rearing its head. In light of this, California State University, Northridge has events and resources to help students get ready for exams, minimize stress and even — dare we say? — have a little fun. From free supplies to gingerbread-house kits, the University Student Union (USU) and the University Library have students covered with Crunch Time Fest and the Finals Countdown. -- SCV News

PR Firm Lippin Group Sets Promotions for Senior Staffers

Simno joined Lippin in 2008. She earned a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from California State University, Northridge, hand is charged with a range of responsibilities including office financial management and employee administration. -- The Hollywood Reporter
