University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library


BAPS Teachers of the Year Spotlight

Benavides graduated from California State University, Northridge, with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and from National State University with a teaching credential in special education. She teaches special education to students with autism. -- Greater Tulsa Reporter Newspapers - OK

On Campus at GCC: Welcome Faire for fall semester students

Speech therapist Stela Fejtek will be the instructor. She holds a master's degree in communicative disorders from California State University, Northridge. She is a learning disabilities specialist at the college with extensive experience in aural rehabilitation. -- Los Angeles Times

New Central soccer coach plans to make an impact

His interest led him to his first coaching gig at Santa Fe High School after graduating with a master’s degree in sports management from California State University, Northridge. -- The Columbus Telegram - NE

Santa Maria, CA Author Publishes Military History Novel

Pierce holds a Master's Degree in English Rhetoric (2007) and a Master's Degree in Education (2008), both received from the California State University of Northridge. He is a credentialed teacher and public school administrator. Pierce lives with his wife, Corinne, on the central coast of California. -- PR Leap

Two additional years in college can cost $300,000 over your life

Sevag Alexanian had been taking between 12 and 14 credits most semesters at California State University, Northridge. He realized last year that it would take 4½ years to graduate at that pace, but he opted to stick around for an entire fifth year, tacking on a major in marketing to his business management degree. -- Market Watch
