University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library


No Planets Needed: NASA Study Shows Disk Patterns Can Self-generate

Kuchner and his colleagues designed mechanism simulations to improved know these effects. The investigate was led by Alexander Richert, a doctoral tyro during Penn State in University Park, Pennsylvania, and includes Wladimir Lyra, a highbrow of astronomy during California State University, Northridge and investigate associate during NASA’s Jet Propulstion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. The simulations were run on a Discover supercomputing cluster during a NASA Center for Climate Simulation during Goddard. -- Global News Connect

OPINION Let’s use attention on DACA to call for reform for all immigrants

As the son of immigrants, I know what kind of sacrifices my parents made to give me and my two sisters a better life. My mom and dad came to Los Angeles as young adults — her from Nicaragua and him from Mexico — fell in love in English class, married and scrimped and saved to raise us and put us all through college. Although we survived without fancy vacations or dinners out, I had one advantage that many children of immigrants do not: I was born in Koreatown in Los Angeles. As a U.S. citizen, I was able to earn my bachelor’s degree in business marketing and my master’s degree in public administration from Cal State Northridge. Today, I work for the county as a human resources manager. -- San Bernardino Sun
