University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library


New science exhibit focuses on fire safety and prevention

Now 18, he has had more than 50 surgeries and is grateful to be alive, he said. He's also a student at California State University, Northridge, where he plays basketball. As a fire safety advocate, he talks to kids through the Children's Burn Foundation, the group that brought him to the U.S. and aided in his recovery. -- Spectrum News 1

Colleges and Universities Announce the Hiring of Five African American Administrators

Dominique Moye was named director of Black House at California State University, Northridge. Black House is a student resource that supports and encourages student learning and achievement by Black and African-American culture. It holds events, provides employment and learning opportunities, and offers clubs and organizations that connect students. -- The Journal of Black in Higher Education

The pioneering Chicano series stored for 50 years in a garage

The episodes of “Chicano I & II” were put together by professors, historians and experts – many of whom are the founders of the departments of Chicano studies at their universities, including UCLA, Stanford, San Jose State, and San Fernando Valley State. College (now Cal State Northridge). Among the topics they examined were the history of migrant workers and Chicano labor activities, economic repression and educational inequalities, as well as the many cultural and other contributions of their Mexican ancestors to the Western world, -- Good Word News

Harry Styles Helps Fan Come Out To Mum During Gig

McKinley, a political science student at California State University, Northridge, said she flew in from Los Angeles to see the show with her mum - who she suspected probably knew about her sexuality before Styles' official declaration. -- LAD Bible

Harry Styles, who helped a fan come out (at a concert)

«Purtroppo abbiamo preso i biglietti all’ultimo minuto, siamo venute appositamente da Los Angeles», ha rivelato Elizabeth, studentessa della California State University, Northridge, parlando con la NBC. «Non credo che mia madre avrebbe potuto seguire il concerto in piedi con me nelle prime file». Tra l’altro non è la prima volta che Harry aiuta un fan a fare coming out nel corso di un suo live. -- Vanity Fair, Italy (in Italian)

CSUN | On Point: Isabeau and Harper

CSUN presents their student news broadcast On Point for 11/04/21. Guests: Prof. Stephanie Bluestein, Diana Medina, Zoe Ives, Erick Gabriel, Nikita Opel -- SCVtv
