Admissions and Records

SOC Fields

CSUN departments must follow scheduling requirements to ensure that fields are correctly entered into the SOC. Scheduling errors could impact reports sent to the Chancellor's Office and registration. The tables below list field names and definitions grouped by four primary scheduling pages: Basic Data, Meetings, Enrollment Control and Notes. An asterisk (*) denotes a required field.

Basic Data Fields

Field NameField Definition


Select the type of session the class section belongs.

  1. Fall or spring semesters: 1 (Regular Academic Session)
  2. Tseng College classes: EXT
  3. Summer self-support: S1, S2, S3
  4. Summer state-support: R1, R2, R3

Do NOT modify classes with a session field value of EXT. They are maintained by Tseng College staff.

*Class Section

Section numbers identify a unique class section of a course. Each section of a class must have a section number. In order to comply with the Chancellor's Office APDB reporting requirements and adhere to CSU CMS Schedule of Classes setup guidelines, the first two characters of the section number must be unique for each section of a course.

Enter a unique two-digit number for each class section and add a leading zero for all numbers under 10.

Examples: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09

Section numbers of 80 and higher are Tseng College classes. 

*Start/End Date

The term start and end dates listed in the Schedule of Classes default from the SOLAR Term and Session table. The majority of dates that default to your class sections will not require changing; however, there are some exceptions. Modify system default dates for Saturday-only and Friday-Saturday classes because:

  1. It is necessary for room setup (keys and air conditioning).
  2. It helps students know the first and last class meeting dates.
  3. It will prevent double-booking of rooms during finals week.

Learn more: Class Start and End Dates

  • Do not modify dates for Tseng College classes as those dates are predetermine for their credit / non credit courses.

*Associated Class

The Associated Class number must match the class section number. You do not have to enter a preceding zero (1, 2, 3, and so on).

The purpose of this field connects a class to its requirement(s) using the Adjust Class Association component and that's why the section and associated numbers must match and also be unique across classes within a term. If not, requisites applied to one section will also apply another.

Exception: Multiple component courses that have more than one type of class activity. For example, a course may include a Lecture component (has units) and a Lab component (zero units) defined in the Course Catalog called Multiple Component courses. The student enrolls in both components and after successfully completing course requirements is assigned one grade for the primary component (with the units) on the transcript. A majority of CSUN lec-lab courses have separate course IDs and do not following this scheduling scheme.

Some Chemistry lecture courses are setup as multiple component courses that include a zero-unit discussion. You can identify them by their unique section (lecture section = 01A) and associated class number (discussion sections = 02A1, 03A2, 04A3 and so on). This scheme shows what lec and discussion classes go together.

*Instruction Mode

Skip, no need to change the system default "P."

Effective summer 2015 and all terms thereafter, schedulers are no longer required to use this field.

Instead, the CO requires us to use the following two fields on the Meeting page:
  1. Class APDB Meeting Mapping Values -  Track the mode of instruction of a class section.
  2. Meeting APDB Mapping Values - Track the Space Type (room utilization) of individual meeting patterns.

Schedule Print

The system defaults with the checkbox selected. Uncheck to NOT publish the class section in Class Search.

Tentative class sections are not published whether or not the Schedule Print checkbox is selected.

Class Attribute Fields

Attributes are tags that specify a characteristic of a course or class section that display in SOC reports and allow users to search for specific courses in CSUN Class Search.

Attributes can be set at the catalog or class section level. To decide which level is appropriate, first determine how many sections of a course must be tagged:

  • For ALL sections in ALL terms, a permanent attribute is applied to a course at the catalog level. The attribute will automatically default to all class sections. Examples of catalog attributes are: course type (CTYP), class level (CLEV), and GE designations (GEFN, GERM or GEPE, soon to be replaced by GEPG).
  • For ONE section in ONE term, a temporary attribute is applied to an individual class section during schedule build by the department.  Note: Class-level attributes do not roll during the term copy process.

The list below identifies attributes that departments may use at the class section level. Never delete catalog attributes because class data will not display correctly on reports.

Course AttributeCourse Attribute Value


Assigned at the class section level by the department. This attribute identifies a class that has an accelerated, condensed format and is offered within a shorter period of time.

Find the desired Subject from the Look Up menu. If the subject does not exist, contact your SOLAR Coordinator to request it be added to the attribute table.


Assigned at the class section level.  Purpose is to tag CRT courses and then to conduct a student survey to gather data about the redesign and its effectiveness. The Board of Trustees is interested in our demonstrating that these course redesigns are reducing the bottleneck situation at your campus, and the students’ perception of their learning experience is an important element.

Learn more (*.pdf)


Can be assigned at the catalog or class section level.  This attribute identifies service learning courses. 

Enter "Y" if the class is a Service Learning Course.


Assigned at the class section level. This attribute identifies fully online classes that the CO will use to produce a systemwide catalog for cross-enrollment opportunities to all CSU students in compliance with Assembly Bill 386. It must be added to every CSUN fully online class section.  Read AB386 memorandum (*.pdf)

  1. SELF = fully online self-support summer classes
  2. AB386 = fully online state-support classes offered in fall and spring terms

Note: At this time, the FONL attribute is not a required tag for winter and summer state-support courses. 

Learn more: Online Concurrent Enrollment


Assigned at the class section level. This attribute identifies certain class sections as a General Education Paths course.

Select the desired Path from the Look Up menu:

  1. AMC
  2. ET
  3. GS
  4. HW
  5. PS
  6. SJ

Note: The GE Paths program director will provide a list of GE Path sections to departments each semester.

ISAssigned at the class section level.  Individual Study (IS) - Enrollment in Individual Study is by permission of the department chair and consent of an instructor to act as sponsor. 


Assigned at the class section level. This attribute identifies certain class sections as a part of CSUN Academic First Year Experiences.

  1. FYE = First Year Experience
  2. SYE = Second Year Experience


Assigned at the class section level. This attribute identifies online course types; select from three (3) choices:

  1. OF = Fully Online class (completely online, no campus visits)
  2. OC = Campus Online class (mostly online, few campus visits)
  3. OH = Hybrid class (always half on campus & half online)

Fully Online courses will end up having two attributes:

  1. The OLNE attribute enable users to filter search results to specific course types when using the CSUN Class Search tool.
  2. The FONL attribute is used by the CO to collect fully online course information from CSUN for publishing on their system-wide catalog.


Assigned at the class section level. This attribute identifies courses part of the myCSUNtablet initiative.

  1. IPAD


This attribute identifies classes that are part of the Teacher Credential program. This attribute is automatically updated from the Catalog. If you are aware that a particular class is part of the Teacher Credential program, but it does not show the TCPI attribute, please check the Catalog. If the TCPI indicator is missing from the Catalog as well, please report it to your SOLAR Coordinator.    

  1. Y = Yes (Teacher Cred Program Course)


Can be assigned at the catalog or class section level. This attribute identifies a Statway Math course.

  1. TERMONE = First term developmental MATH 096S course.
  2. TERMTWO = Second term college-level math course.


Assigned at the class section level.

  1. IS = Individual Study
  2. XM = Credit by Examination

Assigned at the class section level. For class start/end dates, view current class scheduling build instructions.

  1. FS = Friday / Saturday Class
  2. SAT = Saturday-only Class
  3. SUN = Sunday-only Class


Assigned at the course catalog level. This attribute identifies freshman reading and writing labs and Learning Resource Center (LRC) Supplemental Instruction labs.

  1. SI60 = UNIV 60 SI lab
  2. SI61 = 1st semester Reading and Writing UNIV 61 lab
  3. SI62 = 2nd semester Reading and Writing UNIV 62 lab


Assigned at the class section level. Credit by Challenge Examination (XM) - Students may challenge courses by taking examinations developed at CSUN.  

NOTE: Workload tab on the Meetings page: Set the Assign Type to "Do Not Include" for the XM instructor sponsor.  For additional workload questions not answered here, contact the APDB office at ext. 4554.


Assigned at the class section level. Zero Cost Course Materials (ZCCM) – This attribute identifies classes using free “open educational resources” at zero cost to students.

The SOC administrator, based on information received from the campus bookstore, will assign the ZCCM attribute.

  • If a college coordinator, based on direct knowledge, adds the attribute to any course, please notify for record keeping purposes.
  • If a ZCCM attribute is assigned to any of your class sections in error, please send course details, class number, and section number to

Meeting Pattern Fields

Field NameField Definition

Class APDB Mapping Values

The CO requires us to report distinct Learning Modes that identify the mode of instruction for a class. Use this link to enter a Learning Mode whenever a class is offered (skip tentative or canceled classes).  Only enter one Learning Mode for the entire class regardless of the number of individual meeting patterns the section might have. 

Nine "class" Learning Mode choices:

  1. 01 Asynchronous instructional course section can be offered anywhere (no campus meetings) – AB386
  2. 02 Synchronous instructional course section can be offered anywhere (no campus meetings) – AB386
  3. 03 Asynchronous instructional course section (orientations, mid-term, final campus meetings allowed) federal Distance Education.
  4. 04 Synchronous instructional course section (orientations, mid-term, final campus meetings allowed) federal Distance Education.
  5. 05 Asynchronous instructional course section segment with face-to-face course section segment (regular face-to-face meetings from every day to four or more times in the term).
  6. 06 Synchronous instructional course section segment with face-to-face course section segment (regular face-to-face meetings from every day to four or more times in the term).
  7. 09 Face-to-face
  8. 10 Asynchronous instructional course section can be offered anywhere (no campus meetings) with synchronous2 instructional course section can be offered anywhere (no campus meetings) – AB386, aka Hybrid (new beg. Su15)
  9. 11 Asynchronous instructional course section (orientations, mid-term, final campus meetings allowed) with synchronous2 instructional course section (orientations, mid-term, final campus meetings allowed) – federal Distance Education.

Facility ID

Enter the building and room number (no space such as JR134) in the Facility ID field and press the tab key. 

If you got a Resource error and can't save your record, it signifies that SOLAR found a room conflict. Remove the room and save the record. Open the Resource Queue component to unlock any Resource/Event ID errors. Next, open the Facility Usage component and check who is using the room.


The capacity populates automatically after tabbing out of the Facility ID field.


There are two (2) meeting pattern choices:

  1. Enter a pattern if the section meets at a specific day and time (use Lookup to select from a list of options).
  2. Enter ARR if the meeting pattern is arranged between the instructor and student.

Work left to right and tab between fields so that SOLAR automatically updates the day checkboxes correctly. Class Search only looks at the day checkboxes and not the Pat field.

Mtg Start/End Times

To enter time values, use military or standard times. Enter a start time in the Mtg Start field and press the tab key, the system automatically enters the default end time. Times can be adjusted.

View guidelines about Standard Class Meeting Times for C1-C6, prime time classes.

CAUTION: SOLAR permits enrollment in classes that end at the same time another begins. To provide students travel time from one class to another, do not end classes on the hour or half hour whenever possible.

Day Checkboxes

SOLAR validates rooms using the Day Checkboxes. When making late schedule changes, always update the PAT field and tab right to enable SOLAR to automatically update the Day checkboxes. 

CAUTION:  Checkboxes for the days populate automatically. Always verify that the PAT field value matches the Day Checkboxes.  Otherwise the class day(s) will not display correctly on Class Search.  Also, mismatched errors can create room conflicts because the facility tables may not match what is noted in the Day Checkboxes. 

Start/End Date

The start and end dates on the Meetings page can be changed to accurately reflect the class dates. The dates, however, must fall within the session start and end dates.

TIP! Adjust the END date first and then the START date (because SOLAR won't save the change unless the START date occurs before the END date).

The Meetings page dates display on Class Search.

Meeting APDB Mapping Values

The Space Type is required for each individual meeting pattern.

Three (3) Space Type choices:

  1. 1 Lecture (traditional class using an on-campus facility)
  2. 2 Laboratory (traditional class using an on-campus facility)
  3. 3 Non-Capacity (online segment or course offering)

Note: 0 and 4 are not valid CSUN options (not shown).

Instructor for Meeting Pattern - Assignment Fields

Field NameField Definition


If no instructor is assigned, enter the instructor’s ID or use Look Up.

If the instructor's ID is not found, review instructions on how to Add New Instructors to SOLAR.

To replace an existing instructor:

  1. Click the minus (-) sign to delete the existing instructor.
  2. Save the record.
  3. Enter the ID of the new instructor.
  4. Save the changes.

If this field is left blank, SOLAR displays the word "Staff" on Class Search.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Faculty Affairs language for Assigning Instructors

Instructor Role

For the instructor of record, select PI (Primary Instructor). If a class has more than one instructor, the choices are:

  1. PI = Primary Instructor
  2. SI = Secondary Instructor
  3. TA = Teaching Assistant

Every class must have at least one primary instructor.


The PRINT box defaults with a check to display the meeting pattern row on Class Search. If the PRINT box is unchecked, the meeting pattern is not seen on Class Search.

Do not uncheck one or both print boxes for classes with two (2) meeting patterns. All class meetings should display on Class Search so that students and staff know what the entire class meeting requirements are.


Select the appropriate instructor grading option:

  1. Select APPROVE for the instructor responsible for approving the grade roster for submission.
  2. Select GRADE for the instructor(s) that ONLY enter grades.

Every class must have ONE approver. For a class that has one instructor, he/she must be the approver.

Note: For instructors not required to grade a class. Leave this field blank to prevent the grade roster from displaying in the instructor's faculty center page.

Troubleshooting Grading Issues: 

  • Classes with multiple meeting patterns (like hybrids) that have the instructor’s name assigned on ALL meeting pattern rows must also have the APPROVE ACCESS assigned on ALL meeting pattern rows.  Otherwise, faculty won’t see the class listed in the faculty center.
  • If the instructor of record changes or instructor is unable to view a grade roster, add the instructor’s name and approve access to the Meetings page. Once SOLAR is updated, the instructor can access and enter grades through the Faculty Center.
  • Do not add an instructor’s name to a multi-instructor supervision course after grade rosters have been generated (Tuesday, December 1).  As a result, the roster will be blank and the approver must enter grades on the behalf of the instructor of record.
  • Instructors should check their class rosters now to ensure that students are officially enrolled BEFORE grade rosters are generated. Once the term ends, processing last minute adds create record-keeping bottlenecks and prevent students from enrolling in fall classes in a timely manner. 

Empl Rcd#

Follow these steps to select the Empl Rcd Nbr:

  1. Click the Look Up icon.
  2. Select the Empl Rcd Nbr. Use the tip listed below as a guide to select the appropriate option.

TIP! When the following job codes are available, always choose the one with the higher number:

  • 2361 - Tenure Track 12-month
  • 2360 - Tenure Track AY
  • 2359 - Lecturer 12-month
  • 2358 - Lecturer AY
  • 2355 - Graduate Assistant
  • 2354 - Teaching Associate
If none of the above display, contact the college SOLAR coordinator in your dean's office.

Instructor for Meeting Pattern - Workload Fields

Field NameField Definition


System will automatically populate the ID from the Assignment Tab.

Assign Type

Choice of two options:

A. To include workload, select IFF.

B. To NOT include workload, select Not Includ. Examples:

  1. Department chair has been assigned to approve grades.
  2. Maximum workload has been reached.
  3. A volunteer is teaching the class.
  4. Challenge by Exam class.


Enter the Academic Org.

The workload will not calculate properly if left blank.

App Load

Skip. The system default is checked.

Load Factor

Select from the following scenarios:

  1. One instructor, one meeting pattern = Enter 100%
  2. One instructor, multiple meeting patterns = Enter 100% in the first row. For all subsequent rows, enter Not Includ in the Assign Type field.

When assigning two or more instructors for team-taught classes, adjust the Load Factor so that the sum equals 100%.

Work Load

Do NOT adjust the Workload; it will calculate automatically per the value entered in the Load Factor field.

Auto Calc

The system defaults to checked.

Assignment FTE

Skip. Automatically assigned by SOLAR.

Enrollment Control Fields

Field NameField Definition

Class Status

  1. Active - Select to designate a class section as open for enrollment and publish in SOLAR Class Search. The Class Status Value field for a class section must be Active for student enrollment to occur.
  2. Cancelled Sections - Contact your College SOLAR Coordinator to cancel classes.
  3. Stop Further Enrollment (SFE) - Only use SFE to halt enrollment in a class that will be canceled until you run a class roster and submit a cancellation request to your SOLAR coordinator. Excessive use of SFE to control enrollments with no intention of canceling has consequences. Examples: Class Search will show the class as open with seats available as students drop, but SOLAR will block all enrollment attempts; an SFE class could be blocked from critical system updates; and lastly, jobs will see an SFE class as inactive and drop students from third-party software like Canvas, etc.
  4. Tentative Section - If you are unsure whether or not a class section will be offered, set the Class Status field to Tentative Section, and change it to Active if you decide to open the class section for enrollment. Tentative classes are not published whether or not you select the Schedule Print box. Students cannot enroll in a class section with the Class Status Value field set to Tentative Section. CAUTION: Do not change the status of a class to Tentative Section if students are enrolled.


Add Consent:

  1. No Consent - System default. Class is not restricted and course requirements continue to be enforced.
  2. Dept Cnsnt - Select to require each student to obtain a permission number from the academic department prior to enrollment. For Student Specific Permissions, select this value if you want students to contact the department for inquiries.
  3. Inst Cnsnt - Select to require each student to obtain a permission number from the instructor prior to enrollment. For Student Specific Permissions, select this value if you want students to contact the instructor for inquiries.

Drop Consent:
Do not change this field from NO CNSNT
. A change will prevent students from being able to drop their classes. This field is not currently used at CSUN.


Enrollment Status

 Automatically defaults from the system. Valid options are Open or Closed.

Sometimes this field does not update after canceling. If it shows OPEN after canceling, change the Enrollment Capacity to zero and save. Repeat until CLOSED displays.

Enrollment Capacity

Enter the number of seats allowed for the class.

If you enter zero, it will halt enrollment unless a permission number is used. Class Search will show the class as closed.

Note Fields

Field NameField Definition

Note Nbr

These are generic notes stored that can be used across any term or semester. Enter a four-digit note number or use Look Up to select a note:

  1. To view notes created by your college (for your use), enter the two-digit academic group number in the Description field.
  2. To view common notes (used by all colleges), enter 99 in the Description field.


  • Only one note is allowed per row. Click the plus sign (+) to create more rows for new notes.
  • Each college can store a maximum of 100 notes in their notes library.
  • Departments may use any common note (99xx) in addition to their college-specific notes. 

IMPORTANT! Keep numbered notes current by reporting changes to your college SOLAR coordinator.

Free Format Text Note

Text notes are created and managed by the department. They are term specific and require updating each semester during the schedule build period.

In the Free Format Text field, type the desired note. Keep notes brief and to the point. Check spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalization.

Authorized Syntax:

1. Corequisite examples:

  • Concurrent enrollment required in ART 100L sec 01 #12345.
  • Concurrent enrollment required in ART 100L sec 01 #12345 or sec 02 #12444 or sec 03 #13332.

2. Weekend example:

  • First class meeting is Saturday, January 25, 2014.


  • Only one note is allowed per row. Click the plus sign (+) to create rows for additional notes.
  • Always enter corequisite notes first. It will be easy to update class numbers after term roll.

Identify Combined Sections

Field NameField Definition

Permanent Combination

Leave unchecked. Combined section criteria should not be rolled to the next like term.

Skip Mtg Pattern and Instr Edit

Only check this box to disable the propagation of data across sections for classes that have different meeting patterns and instructors.

You'll have to manually enter a meeting pattern and instructor in each class section.

Combination Type

Select the combination type:

  1. Within Subject
  2. Cross Subject
  3. Both

Requested Room Capacity

Enter the Requested Room Capacity for the combined section.

Enrollment Capacity

Enter the Enrollment Capacity for the sum total of all class sections in the combined group.

Never leave this field blank or students will be unable to register because it determines the enrollment limit for all classes in the combined group.

Wait List Capacity


Class Number

Enter the class number and press the Tab key. The class information will populate automatically.

Click the plus sign (+) to add a row for each class section in the combined group.

View Combined Sections Table

Click this link to view and edit the Combined Sections Table.

Define Class Permissions

Field NameField Definition

Expiration Date

The system automatically populates this field with the session end date (last day of instruction). No need to change the default date unless you want permissions to expire before self service registration ends.

Self service registration ends at the close of the third week of classes; thereafter, permissions are no longer valid.

Permission Valid For

These boxes specify the conditions (called overrides) that control how a permission number will work. Carefully read the definitions below as some options should not be changed from the system default:

CLOSED CLASS (view: department & faculty option)—

  1. Checked (default) = Allow enrollments in a full/closed class.
  2. Unchecked = Do NOT exceed the enrollment capacity.

REQUISITES NOT MET (view: department & faculty option)—

  1. Checked (default) = Override prerequisites.
  2. Unchecked = Enforce prerequisites.

CONSENT REQUIRED (view: department & faculty option)—

Checked (default) = This box must be checked for permission numbers to work with restricted classes and all classes that become restricted automatically during the second and third week of late registration.

CAREER RESTRICTION (view: department)—

Always uncheck. This override checks the student's career to prevent the crossing of enrollment between credit and non credit courses.

PERMISSION TIME PERIOD (view: department)—

Checked (default) = The permission number will work during all registration periods. 

Unchecked = The permission number will NOT work during the time period where permission numbers are required to add a class (2nd and 3rd week of instruction). 

Assign More Permissions

Enter the number of permissions you want to create and click the Generate button.

The Assign More Permissions field and Generate button are grayed out when Student Specific Permissions is used.

Set All Permissions to Issued

Works with the Issued and Issued By fields in the General Info tab. The system default is unchecked. Tool used to track the distribution of permission numbers.

Unchecked (default) = RECOMMENDED. Leave unchecked to allow staff or faculty to manually check the Issued box themselves if they want to track the permission numbers they issue to eligible students.

Checked = Will automatically check the Issued box for all permissions created by a user (identify who generated specific permission numbers).


Enter the student's 9-digit CSUN ID number and press the tab key. The student's name displays to the right of the ID field.

Click the plus sign (+) to create more rows.

General Info Tab

Use this page to view the status of a permission number and to track permission numbers issued to students. Available to staff using the Class Permissions component. Available to faculty using the Class Roster.

Permission Tab

If needed, use this page to adjust how an individual permission number works (defaults).

Comments Tab

The comments field can be used to share information between faculty and staff using the same permission number list.

Example: Permission number reserved for student xyz. Then faculty know not to issue that number.

Final Exam 

Field NameField Definition
Exam Time Code

You may manually enter an exam using an exam time code.

Example description = R0800TH

  • Exam Day = R
  • Class Meeting Start Time Range = 0800
  • Class Meets = TH

If you're not sure what code to use, ask Room Reservations or your SOLAR Coordinator to provide one to you.

Combined Exam

Skip. SOLAR automatically populates exams for classes that are combined.

Exception: Check this box to override the room conflict for exams with common finals. The only way SOLAR can show the same exam for classes with different meeting rooms is to enter it manually.

Exam Date

Enter the exam date (mm/dd/year) or select a date from the calendar menu.

Exam Start

Enter the exam start time.

Learn about Time Designations.

Exam End

Enter the exam end time.

*Class Exam Type

Skip. This field automatically populates from the Exam Time Code table. When manually entering an exam, select "Final" from the drop-down menu.

Facility ID

Enter the Facility ID (building and room) and press tab.

Example: JD1116 (one word, no spaces)

Troubleshoot Exams 

ProblemCause and Solution
How do I check the catalog exam designation in SOLAR?

On the Components page of the Course Catalog.

A class has two final exams

Indicates that the meeting pattern was changed after the first Exam Scheduler was run. SOLAR will never replace an exam, instead it will add a new row.  

Run NRSR0226 to check for two exam assignments. Delete the invalid row; otherwise, students will see two final exam assignments.
Class Section is missing an exam
  1. The catalog exam designation is set to NO—Manually add an exam if ALL class sections should have an exam, then you may request a catalog exam designation change to your SOLAR coordinator.
  2. No room is assigned—Manually add a final exam.
  3. The course type has been identified as one that should not receive an exam but the class section should have one—Manually add an exam to the section.
Course should not have an exam but one was assigned

The Catalog designation is set to YES or an exam was manually added. Delete the exam and then contact your SOLAR coordinator to change the catalog designation to NO. This will prevent exams from being created in subsequent terms.

Room Conflict Error

(also known as a Campus Event ID error)
  1. Class end date overlaps with the exam start date.
  2. Check the Combined Exam box (to override room conflict) for classes that have common final exams.
  3. Facility is scheduled for another class section. Contact Room Reservations to find another room.
Resource Error

(also known as a PS_EVENT_LAST_TBL error)

A Resource Queue Error occurs when entering a room that is assigned to another class. If you are unable to save the exam page, you'll have to unlock the resource queue.

Learn about:

Resource Queue Cleanup

Override a Room Conflict for a Common Final

How to assign the same room to your common final exams?

  1. Enter the Exam Time Code.
  2. Check the Combined Exam box (will enable you to reuse the same room)
  3. Enter the Facility ID.
  4. SAVE.

 Override a room conflict when scheduling common final exams.