CSUN Shine

Topic 1 Results: List of Active Improvement Projects

Make CSUN Shine Brighter

Vehicular and Pedestrian Flow
Active Improvement Projects as of February 21, 2013

Darby/Plummer Crosswalk Improvement

The intersection will be improved to increase visibility of pedestrians. The work includes new thermoplastic pavement striping, pedestrian signs, a solar powered flashing stop sign, new walkway light standards, and solar‐powered flashing pavement markers. 

Status: Project completed February, 2013

B4 Parking Lot Lighting

Energy efficient LED parking lot light standards will be installed in the B4 surface lot directly west of University Hall. The lights will improve visibility and safety within the lot. 

Status: Lighting equipment ordered late Feb. 2013; installation to occur June 2013. 

F10 Parking Lot Improvements

The F10 surface lot, located on the north campus just north of Lassen St., will be improved with fencing, enhanced lighting, a new shuttle stop pedestrian shelter, signage and landscape. 

Status: Project currently in planning and scheduled to complete by late summer 2013.

Plummer St. Sidewalk, Darby to Etiwanda Ave. 

The existing sidewalk along the south side of Plummer is an aging asphalt walk with significant cracking and buckling. This project will construct a new ADA compliant walkway leading into the campus core, along with lighting and landscape improvements. 

Status: Currently in design, with construction scheduled for summer 2103.

Mike Curb Arts Walk (Orange Grove Walk) Improvements

This project replaced damaged concrete panels at the main walkway north of the Valley Performing Arts Center. A new ADA compliant pedestrian ramp was added where the walkway meets Lindley Ave. Hydraulically actuated bollards were installed to prevent vehicles from entering the campus core, providing a safer environment for pedestrians. 

Status: Project completed Feb. 2013.

Bookstore South ADA Walkway Improvement 

A new ADA compliant walkway/ramp is being constructed to connect the south patio of the bookstore complex with Orange grove walk. The new walk replaces the deteriorated stairs that previously existed. 

Status: Project in construction and scheduled to complete by April, 2013.

Campus Sustainability Tour Signage

The Sustainability Institute has developed a map of sustainable features across campus. This project will provide informational signs at each location. The signs will have QR codes that connect with the Sustainability Institute website. 

Status: Signs are currently in production and will be installed by the end of May 2013.

Athletic Venue Directional Signage

Signs will be installed at the new Matador Drive extension and F5 parking lot east of Redwood Hall to direct patrons to the athletic facilities in this precinct of campus. 

Status: Signs to be installed in June 2013.

Bicycle Repair Stations

Bicycle repair stations with tools and pumps will be added at the secure bicycle compounds within parking structures B3 and G3. The repair stations will be similar to those existing at the transit station and UPA housing tram stop. 

Status: Installation scheduled for May 2013.

Chaparral Hall Bike Parking

A new paved bike parking area was installed at the southwest corner of Chaparral Hall. Approximately 15 new campus standard bike racks were installed. These racks allow secure locking of both the bicycle frame and front wheel using a “U” lock. 

Status: Completed February 2013.

Lindley Ave. Landscape and Bicycle Lane Improvements‐ North of Halsted

The heavily traveled sidewalk leading to the UPA housing entrance will be improved to provide dedicated bike and pedestrian lanes. In addition, new landscaping and shade trees will be added along the parkway.

Status: Project in procurement phase, with construction scheduled for summer 2013.

Campus Core Bicycle Dismount Zone 

Themed signage will be installed within the central core to encourage cyclists and skateboarders to dismount. The goal of the project is to increase safety by reducing conflicts with pedestrians.

Status: Signs to be installed summer 2013.