CSUN Shine

Topic 6 Results: Parking

December 8, 2015

The results to Topic 6 of the Help Make CSUN Shine Bright initiative is now available here. Below is President Dianne F. Harrison's email to the campus community sharing the report:

The Help Make CSUN Shine Bright program continues to serve as a valuable conduit for sharing ideas, opinions and perspectives. Your willingness to provide your thoughts and perspectives reflects your commitment to CSUN. This semester, we asked:

What additional steps can the university take to encourage more students, faculty, and staff to take advantage of mass transit, ridesharing, and alternative forms of transportation?

What can the university do to ensure that students, faculty, staff and campus guests, whose only option is to drive to CSUN, park on campus?

Would you be in favor of a modest increase in parking fees to fund construction of additional parking facilities?

This topic elicited the most responses of any question posed to date. A synopsis of the input is now available on the Help Make CSUN Shine Brighter webpage.

In the spring, we will share information on programs already in place that address your feedback, as well as new initiatives and actions  under consideration to address identified needs.

To the hundreds of students, faculty, staff and neighbors who responded – thank you. As always, you have given us much to consider.