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Deutsche Version
  Home; Oettingen Heidenheim Donaufahrt Vienna Esztergom Budapest Bratislava Melk  Messel                         





We arrived early in the morning and after breakfast set out on foot to explore the city. Bratislava has 450,000 inhsbitants, but we did not meet many of them since we only spent time in the old part of town with its narrow streets and impressive public buildings and palaces.


Blick auf Bratislava

View of Bratislava and its castle




Litfasssäule (advertising column)

market square with pretty fountain



Old city hall - now museum

Altes Rathaus

In the old city hall, now the town museum we explored the city's history. Bratislava is very old and has had a variety of identities and names under Hungarian, Austrian (Pressburg), Checkoslovakian and finally (currently) it is the capital of the Slovakian Republic.

Altes Rathaus

Altes Rathaus

We returned to the Mia for lunch, intending to return for a second visit to the town. Unfortunately, the heavens opened and we abandoned our planned visit to the cathedral. Additionally, the ship had to leave two hours earlier than originally intended since parts of the ship canal near Vienna were blocked due to the foundering of another ship. This was expected to cause delays, however, passage through the locks is tightly choreographed and the assigned times must be kept. We never actually saw the wreck, presumably we passed it during the night. At any rate we reached our next, penultimate stop early next morning.


Oettingen Heidenheim Donaufahrt Vienna Esztergom Budapest Bratislava Melk  Messel