Important Tables

(2) Language Schemata                        (57) Genitive Case                    (204) Relatives

(3) The Substitution Test                       (61) Person                              (208) Feature crash     

(4) Word Category & Rules                 (64) DP-Features                     (214) Interrogatives

(5) Verb Forms: Inflection/Grammar     (83) Bare Verb                         (216) Wh-word

(6) Syntactic Range of Nouns/Verbs     (84) Infinitive Verb                   (234) CP>IP>VP

(7) Binary Notation                               (93) DP: Per/Nom                    (243) PP-movement

(8) Lexical Categories                           (96) MV/Copular                     (248) Double DPs

(10) Form Class/Lexical Words            (101) Copular: Tense/Agr

(11) Derivational Morphology               (107) Inflection: Vowel Change

(12) Functional Categories                    (108) Inflection: Tense 

(13) DP                                                (109) MVP Tree

(14) MVP                                            (117) MVP Tree: Aux. Question

(15) Word Category/Features               (135) Active/Passive Voice

(19) Parts of Speech                             (137) Past Participle    

(20) The Sentence                                (149) A Recap: Aux. Verbs

(25) Intransitive Sentences                    (151) Aux. Combinations

(28) Copular/Transitive Sentences         (153) Difference between Aux/Main Verb

(34) Transitive Sentences                      (161) Prepositions

(42) Phrase Structure                            (181) [-Fin] Clause

(45) Determiners                                  (188) [+Fin] Clause

(50) Case                                             (192) Constituency

(55) Inflection                                       (199) Subordinate Conjunctions


Tree Diagrams

(13) Determiner Phrase                                                 (145) Perfect Inflection

(14) Main Verb Phrase                                                 (162) PP: Features

(20) The Sentence                                                        (173) Infinitive: Null subject

(24) Subject/Predicate                                                  (220) DP constituency

(26) Intransitive Rule                                                     (226) Verb Tense: Inflection

(36) Transitive Rule                                                      (227) Verb Inflection: {ing}

(42) Phrase Template                                                   (234) CP>IP>VP

(53) DP-subjects/Objects                                             (239) DP

(55) Inflection                                                               (245) Sentence: PP-move

(69d) Recursive DPs                                                    (248) Double DPs

(72) Reflexive DPs

(75) VP {to} [-Fin]

(76) VP {ing} [-Fin]

(83) VP Bare [-Fin]

(97) Inflection

(98) DP/MVP Agr-features

(107) Inflection: Vowel Change

(108) Present Tense Inflection

(109) Past Tense Inflection

(117) MVP: Question/Aux. Inversion

(133) Progressive Inflection

(138) Passive Inflection