Ellie Kazemi, PhD

Training and Supervision

Research Laboratory

This document is to be used by MA students who have decided to do a thesis instead of the COMPS. If you have not made this decision, please see the Graduate Handout and seek faculty advice to make this decision.

*Please, be advised that this information is here to answer your basic questions and concerns, find thesis deadlines, and bookmark important links.  This document is intended to be used alongside faculty advisement. We have centralized information that pertains to you during the thesis process. It is in no way meant to replace an advisor.  Please talk to your advisor(s) on regular basis.*


 The Thesis Calendar is here to guide you, a graduate student, through the thesis process.  Notice we have outlined a sample first and second year based on 09-2010 academic year.  It is YOUR responsibility to check department and university deadlines. Each faculty advisor may also differ in their expectations of WHEN you should meet these deadlines.


Each color-block on the calendar references the colored-text located at the bottom of the page.  Also, each link on the calendar can be accessed by pressing the “ctrl” key and clicking on the link at the same time.  In order to use the calendar, please download the following File: the Graduate Handbook (composed by clinical faculty).  You will also see a Timeline Template, this template is intended to help you create your own timeline.  The calendar already includes some important dates, but it is designed so you can input your important dates/deadlines.  We recommend you begin by inputting your anticipated graduation date, date you plan to file your thesis, hold your final defense, and work backwards giving yourself realistic preparation and revision time. Again, this is no substitution for an advisor, so please check in with your faculty advisor regularly.


In order to effectively use the resources we have created for you, go to the Thesis Calendar attachment first.  Then, use the Timeline Template to make a plan for yourself. Here is a  Thesis Guideline for your convenience. Please also see the link below for information regarding thesis formatting and an approved model. Thesis model.


Additional Resources:

Below, you will find a list of websites that will add to the information provided for you on the thesis calendar.  You will find these links useful while working on your thesis project:


Dr. Gary Katz has a great faculty website.  We refer to his website in the thesis calendar.  On the website, you will find a hand out he has created to also aid you in your thesis project.  His thesis information is at the bottom of the page labeled  “Thesis Document”


The Graduate Studies website has information on thesis binding dates, making appointments for help with formatting and more information on the thesis project.  We also refer to this website in the thesis calendar.


In order to bind your thesis with Graduate Studies, you must format your paper according to their standards.  Below is a link that contains information on how to format your thesis accordingly.—formatting beings on page 6.



Here are some books that can help you during the thesis process (see Graduate Handout for other sources):


· Becker, Howard S. (2007). Writing for Social Scientists: How to start and finish you thesis, book or article   (2nd ed.).  Chicago, Illinois: The University of Chicago Press.

· Szuchman, Lenore T. (2002). Writing with style: APA style made easy (2nd ed.) Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Group.

· Lunenburg, Fred C. & Irby, Beverly J. (2008). Writing a Successful Thesis or Dissertation: Tips and Strategies for Students in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.  

*This information is offered to help you answer basic questions and concerns.  It is in no way meant to replace a faculty advisor.  Please talk to your advisor(s) on a regular basis.*