Ellie Kazemi, PhD

Training and Supervision

Research Laboratory

Lab Members

Lab member: Melissa Mendoza

Melissa Mendoza, MA, BCBA

BCP Alumna

Lab Coordinator



Lab member: Denice Rios

Denice Rios, MA, BCBA

BCP Alumna


Lisa Stedman-falls

2nd year BCP Graduate Student



Lab member: Lisa Stedman-Falls

You can also see our lab photos.


Members of Dr. Kazemi’s lab are students interested in behavior analysis and research methodology who aim to pursue doctoral programs in applied behavior analysis. For more information regarding current research, please see the Research Projects  page. If you are interested in becoming a member of our research lab, please see the flyer for more information on what being a member of this lab entails. For an application click here. Send completed applications to csun.klab@gmail.com.

Candice Hansard

1st year BCP Graduate Student


Lab Member: Candice Hansard