Institute of Gender, Globalization, and Democracy

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Current Projects

Bridges Project

Women in the world are divided by many barriers including language, distance, history, culture, and current circumstances. The Bridges Project seeks to hold international meetings of gender and globalization scholars and activists in various parts of the world who speak different languages to encourage and facilitate women to identify and articulate their issues and concerns to one another, to learn from one another, and to facilitate communication, to identify common interests, and to build networks that can result in future cooperation. The idea for this project comes from the Latin American women's encuentros where women from Latin American countries meet regularly to identify common problems and issues and to devise strategies for addressing them. To date, the Institute has held such encuentro meetings in Costa Rica, Chile, Peru, and Morocco. These meetings have helped build a global network on gender and globalization and an infrastructure for future projects and activities.

Gender and Sustainability Project

This project, begun in 2014, involves Gender and Globalization scholars from Morocco, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Japan, Korea, and Brazil who are currently carrying out research in their respective countries to identify women's groups and environmental groups and what activities they perform. The purpose is to write a book that will compare these activities and attempt to identify best practices that encourage both women's leadership and sustainability goals - especially food sustainability.