Seminar in Rhetorical Theory
Summer 1996

(1) Situating Rhetorical Theory and Rhetorical History

Todorov, "The Misery and Splendor of Rhetoric"
Todorov, "The End of Rhetoric"
Aristotle, "On Rhetoric" (selection)
Gorgias, "Encomium to Helen"
Isocrates, "To Nicocles"

| Lecture | MOO Discussion |

(2) Animal Symbolicum

Burke, Language as Symbolic Action (selections)

MOO Discussion (click Here for links to Burke!)

(3) Rhetoric and Narrativity

Fischer, (selections TBA)

(4) Rhetoric, Dialectic, and the "Postmodern" Turn

Nietsche, "On Truth and Falsity in an ExtraMoral Sense"
Peter Heckman, "Nietzsche's Clever Animal: Metaphor in 'Truth and Falsity"
Blair, et al., "Introduction" to Friedrich Nietzsche on Rhetoric and Language

| Nietzsche MOO Discussion | Nietzsche Web Pages |

(5) Marxism and "Post-Marxism"

Marx, TBA
Gramsci, "Philosophy and Spontaneous Philosopy"

(6) Post-Marxism in Rhetorical Perspective: The Question of Ideology

McGee, "In Search of 'The People'"
McGee, "The Ideograph"

(7) Discursivity

Foucault, (selections TBA)

| Foucault Web Pages |

(8) Rhetoric and the Performative Speech Act

Austin, (selection)
Derrida, Limited Inc.

| MOO Log! | Derrida Archives | Join Derrida Discussion List | More Derrida Links |

(9) Case Studies in Rhetoric and Social Change: Ethnic Identities

Sennett, "The Rhetoric of Ethnic Identity"

(10) Case Studies (continued): Feminism and Postcolonialism

Cixous, "The Laugh of the Medusa"
Trinh, Woman Native Other

| Cixous Bibliography | Quotes from the Laugh of the Medusa | More on Cixous | Trinh Archive | An Essay on Reassemblage | Trinh's Home Page

| Seminar Home Page | Ben's Home Page | Speech Communication Department |

This page maintained by Ben Attias
Last Updated: 29-Jun-96

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