Page Description

The following page is a three column layout with a header that contains a skip navigation and other utilty links as well as the search CSUN function. Page sections are identified with headers. The footer contains update, contact and emergency information.

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Contact Us

Mentor Program

The purpose of the program is to provide student-athletes with a nurturing intellectual environment. The mentor can help increase a student's self-esteem and greatly improve social and intellectual skills. This is attained by constructive encouragement and consistent academic inspiration. The mentor works with the goal of empowering the student athlete to become more effective and independent learners.

Who Can Participate in Mentoring

Each first time freshman and transfer student are asked to participate in the Mentoring program their first semester. Every semester after, participation is decided upon by coach's recommendations. A student can also participate in Mentoring after their requirement is over if they would like.

How to Become a Mentor

Each semester, students interested in becoming a mentor must submit an application each semester, attached with a resume. Applications will be avialble prior to the end of a semester, for the next semester's positions. If you would like to apply, please come by the office in BH 240 and pick up the application and ask any questions you may have. After submission of all information, the screening and interview process will follow. Please be aware that this process does not always happen as quickly as some may like, and due to budget information, we may not know how many mentors we may hire each year. So please check back if you not heard anything but also please be patient.