
Web Articles

The Great Cost Shift: How Higher Education Cuts Undermine the Future Middle Class

“The Road Ahead: Higher education, California’s promise, and our future economy.”
California Competes – Higher Education for a Strong Economy

2010-11 College Salary Report

HARVARD MAGAZINE:  “Colleges in Crisis” by Clayton Christensen and Michael Horn

THE NEW YORKER:  “Live and Learn” by Louis Menand

UCLA Faculty Association

The 2011-12 Higher Education Budget in Context: Legislative Analyst’s Office

The Economist   “The People’s Will”

America’s Perfect Storm: Three Forces Changing Our nation’s Future

A Test of Leadership: Charting the Future of U.S. Higher Education

Ten Years Back and Ten Years Forward: Developments and Trends in Higher Education in Europe Region by Alex Usher

5 Ways the Value of College Is Growing, March 7, 2011, The Atlantic, Derek Thompson

College the Easy Way,  Bob Herbert
New York Times – The Opinion Pages

CFA sponsored event Jan 2011

California Mater Plan for Higher Education

The Goals of Higher Education - 1960

Mission shrinking, University of Minnesota President James Morrill

Fixing Higher Ed,  Aug. 24, 2010
Dr. Henry F. Fradella, CSU, Long Beach, Dept of Criminal Justice
Inside Higher Ed, Oct. 12, 2010

No Sucker Left Behind - Fixing Higher Education