Academic Assessment

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General Education

University GE SLOs

  • To help students develop academic competencies, professional skills, critical and creative abilities, and ethical values of learned persons who live in a democratic society, and interdependent world, and a technological age.

  • Placement of a course into a specific section of the General Education program signifies that the course will emphasize the learning goals and student learning outcomes of that section

  • All General Education courses should meet the student-learning goals of the GE section they are in

  • All CSUN students are responsible for pursuing the following twelve learning goals in the General Education program at CSUN. These goals are grouped into four categories: basic skills, subject explorations, United States History and Local Government (Title V), and special designations

  • Each graduate from CSUN is expected to master the student learning outcomes that are identified for each goal.

  • Undergraduate Learning Goals and Student Learning Outcomes (.pdf)


Basic Skills

1. Analytic Reading and Expository Writing

Goal: Students will analyze and reflect on complex topics and appropriately synthesize their own and others’ ideas in clearly written and well-organized edited American English. 

Student Learning Outcomes 

  1. Students will be able to analyze and compare perspective, meaning, and style in different texts, including those that reflect multicultural images and voices;
  2. Students will be able to construct a theme or thesis and organize and develop a substantial, balanced and convincing defense of it in a voice, tone, language, and format (e.g., essay autobiography, report, editorial, case study, inquiry, and research) appropriate to the purpose of the writing;
  3. Students will use logical support, including informed opinion and fact, as well as their interpretations, to develop ideas, avoiding fallacies, biased language, and inappropriate tone;
  4. Students will be able to demonstrate satisfactory competence in the conventions of Edited American English and the elements of presentation (including layout, format, and printing);
  5. Students will be able to select and incorporate ideas derived from a variety of sources, such as library electronic and print resources, books, journals, the Internet, and interviews, and document them responsibly and correctly;
  6. Students will be able to apply a variety of strategies for planning, outlining, drafting, revising and editing written work.

2. Critical Thinking

Goal: Students will analyze information and ideas carefully and logically from multiple perspectives and develop reasoned solutions to problems. 

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to explain and apply the basic concepts essential to a critical examination and evaluation of argumentative discourse;
  2. Students will be able to use investigative and analytic thinking skills to examine alternatives, explore complex questions and solve challenging problems;
  3. Students will be able to synthesize information in order to arrive at reasoned conclusions;
  4. Students will be able to evaluate the logic and validity of arguments, and the relevance of data and information.
  5. Students will be able to recognize and avoid common logical and rhetorical fallacies.

3. Mathematics

Goal: Students will gain competence in mathematical reasoning necessary for informed judgment and decision making.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to represent, understand and explain mathematical information symbolically, graphically, numerically and verbally;
  2. Students will be able to develop mathematical models of real-world situations and explain the assumptions and limitations of those models;
  3. Students will be able to use models to make predictions, draw conclusions, check whether the results are reasonable, and find optimal results using technology when necessary and appropriate;
  4. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the nature of mathematical reasoning including the ability to prove simple results and/or make statistical inferences.

4. Oral Communication

Goal: Students will understand the basic concepts and practices associated with public speaking and will make public presentations of their own thoughts and research. 

Student Learning Outcomes 

  1. Students will be able to apply critical thinking skills when listening, reading, thinking, and speaking;.
  2. Students will be able to create, organize, and support ideas for various types of oral presentations.
  3. Students will be able to evaluate contexts, attitudes, values, and responses of different audiences;
  4. Students will be able to identify, evaluate, and apply different styles of presentation utilizing effective delivery techniques in public speaking ;
  5. Students will be able to Demonstrate acceptable ethical standards in research and presentation of materials, including proper verbal citations.

Subject Explorations

5. Natural Sciences

Goal: Students will develop basic knowledge and learn key principles in the natural sciences, including an understanding of the methods of scientific inquiry through laboratory, activity and/or field-based study.

Student Learning Outcomes 

  1. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of basic knowledge, principles, and laws in the natural sciences;
  2. Students will be able to explain how the scientific method is used to obtain new data and advance knowledge;
  3. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the logical foundations and boundaries of science;
  4. Students will be able to recognize the contribution and potential of science in human society and everyday life;
  5. Students will be able to demonstrate competence in applying the methods of scientific inquiry ;
  6. Students will be able to demonstrate an ability to apply scientific knowledge and to critically assess real world issues and make sound decision.

6. Arts and Humanities

Goal: Students will understand the rich history and diversity of human knowledge, discourse and achievements of their own and other cultures as they are expressed in the arts, literatures, religions, and philosophy.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to explain and reflect critically upon the human search for meaning, values, discourse and expression in one or more eras/stylistic periods or cultures;
  2. Students will be able to analyze, interpret, and reflect critically upon ideas of value, meaning, discourse and expression from a variety of perspectives from the arts and/or humanities;
  3. Students will be able to produce work/works of art that communicate to a diverse audience through a demonstrated understanding and fluency of expressive forms;
  4. Students will be able to demonstrate ability to engage and reflect upon their intellectual and creative development within the arts and humanities;
  5. Students will be able to use appropriate critical vocabulary to describe and analyze works of artistic expression, literature, philosophy, or religion and a comprehension of the historical context within which a body of work was created or a tradition emerged;
  6. Students will be able to describe and explain the historical and/or cultural context within which a body of work was created or a tradition emerged.

7. Social Sciences

Goal: Students will understand the complexities of social relations and human experiences and the ways in which they have changed over time, as well as the nature, scope, and the systematic study of human behaviors and societies.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to explain how social scientists conduct the systematic study of social relations, human experiences and patterns of change over time;
  2. Students will be able to analyze and explain the multiple perspectives found in the social sciences that underlie debates on important historical and contemporary issues;
  3. Students will be able to apply appropriate social scientific methods to collect data, analyze, evaluate, explain, and/or solve problems in social relations and human behavior;
  4. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of how social problems impact individuals, communities and societies.

8. Lifelong Learning

Goal: Students will develop cognitive, physical and affective skills which will allow them to become more integrated and well-rounded individuals within various physical, social, cultural, and technological environments and communities.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to identify and actively engage in behaviors conducive to individual health, well-being, or development, and understand the value of maintaining these behaviors throughout their lifespan;
  2. Students will be able to identify and apply strategies leading to health, well-being, or development for community members of diverse populations;
  3. Apply the knowledge and skills of science and technology and evaluate how they impact individuals, the community, and/or society.

9. Comparative Cultural Studies/ Gender, Race, Class, Ethnicity Studies and Foreign Languages

Goal: Students will understand the diversity and multiplicity of cultural forces that shape the world through the world through the study of cultures, gender, sexuality, race, religion, class, ethnicities and languages with special focus on the contributions, differences and global perspectives of diverse cultures and societies.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to describe and compare different cultures
  2. Students will be able to explain how different cultures contribute to our multicultural world;
  3. Students will be able to describe and explain how race, ethnicity, class, gender, religion , sexuality and other markers of social identity impact life experiences and social relations;
  4. Students will be able to analyze and explain the deleterious impact and the privileges sustained by racism, sexism, ethnocentrism, classism, homophobia, religious intolerance or stereotyping on all sectors of society;
  5. Students will be able to demonstrate linguistic and cultural proficiency in a language other than English.

United States History and Local Government (Title V)

10. United States History and Local Government (Title V)

Goal: Students will understand and reflect upon United States history, institutions, and ideals; the Constitution of the United States; and the principles of state and local government as established in California.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to describe and analyze the histories of the United States and California over significant time periods;
  2. Students will be able to explain the principles and major provisions of the Constitutions of the United States and California;
  3. Students will be able to compare United States and California political institutions and practices;
  4. Students will be able to describe and examine the histories and development of political institutions as related to diverse peoples in the United States and California.


11. Information Competence (GE Designation IC)

Goal: Students will progressively develop information competence skills throughout their undergraduate career by developing a basic understanding of information retrieval tools and practices as well as improving their ability to evaluate and synthesize information ethically.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to determine the nature and extent of information needed;
  2. Students will be able to demonstrate effective search strategies for finding information using a variety of sources and methods;
  3. Students will be able to locate, retrieve, and evaluate a variety of relevant information including print and electronic formats.
  4. Students will be able to organize and synthesize information in order to communicate effectively;
  5. Students will be able to explain the legal and ethical dimensions of the use of information.

12. Writing Intensive (GE Intensive Designation WI)

Goal: Students will develop their abilities to express themselves and the knowledge they have obtained through practicing various forms of writing within different disciplinary contexts. Writing intensive courses will build upon the skills gained in the Analytical Reading and Expository Writing section of Basic Skills. In each WI course students will be required to complete writing assignments totaling a minimum of 2500 words.

Student Learning Outcomes 

  1. Students will be able to develop and clearly define their ideas through writing;
  2. Students will be able to ethically integrate sources of various kinds into their writing;
  3. Students will be able to compose texts through drafting, revising, and completing a finished product;
  4. Students will be able to express themselves through their writing by posing questions, making original claims, and coherently structuring complex ideas;
  5. Students will be able to revise their writing for greater cogency and clarity;
  6. Utilize adopted communication modes and documentation styles of specific disciplines (MLA, APA, Chicago, CBE, etc) where appropriate.