FLIT 350










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General Information

FLIT 350: This survey course examines the influence of the ancient Greek and Roman cultures on Western Civilization. It includes an examination of primary materials, e.g. inscriptions, documents, poems, plays, hsitorical writings, etc, which become the subjects for extensive stuidy for reports and papers (Available for GE, Comparative Cultural Studies). This course is conducted entirely in English; no knowledge of Greek, Latin, or Hebrew is presumed.'

This course is limited to upper-division students and it is NOT open to students who have taken FLIT 150, or the equivalent.


  • D. S. Gochberg (ed.), Classics of Western Thought: The Ancient World 4th edition (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich) paper
  • -Lesley Adkins and Roy Adkins, Handbook to Life in Ancient Greece (Oxford pb. 1997)
  • -Lesley Adkins and Roy Adkins, Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome
  • -K. Turabian, Student's Guide for Writing College Papers 3rd ed. pb.


  • 10% (1) A MIDTERM QUIZ, of approximately one hour, scheduled for Friday of the 8th week of class. This exam will test all material assigned and/or discussed in lectures during the first 7 weeks of the course, including but not necessarily limited to short ID's.

  • 30% (2) A Midterm Paper, from a list of topics to be provided by the instructor during the second week of class. The student will choose a topic and begin work after consultation with the instructor. The first (outline, prose sketch, and bibliography) draft of the paper will be due in the first week of March. Minimum: 1200 words. These will be returned by the next class. The completed paper will be due at midterm time (Week 8, FRIDAY, March 23). 30%

  • 10% (3) A FINAL QUIZ, of approximately 1/2 hour, at the time scheduled by the Administration in the middle of December. The final will test the material covered from the 8th week of the course. Various question-forms may appear, including True-False, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks, identification of passages from the readings of ancient texts.

  • 30% (4) A Final Paper, similar but grander than the midterm paper, a first draft of which will be due on FRIDAY. April 20 ; the draft will be returned by MON., APRIL 23. The final version of the final paper will be due at the latest on the first Monday of the Exam Period (in MAY). Minimum size: 1800 words. Please add all these dates to your calendar. They may be changed slightly, but they are fixed within narrow ranges. Leave plenty of time to do the work.

  • 20% (5) OCCASIONAL QUIZZES, announced in advance, of fifteen minutes in length, questions including True-False, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks, or identification of passages from the readings of ancient texts (as to author or character or idea). This is designed to make certain that the material from Gochberg is being read with attention and care.


Normally, NO makeups are allowed. At the professor's sole discretion, however, and after the presentation of an explanation and supporting documentation by the student, a re-examination may be allowed.

Cheating and plagarism: Consult the Course Schedule booklet for definitions. A student's work is assumed to be the sole work of the student and no one else; any collaboration, unless authorized by the Instructor, constitutes plagarism. The Instructor will assign a grade of "Zero" for an assignment on which cheating or plagarism is detected.

Grading in this course is on a plus-minus [+/-] basis.

Late Work: Turning in of any work after a deadline may result in the lowering of the grade for that work by as much as one full grade-step.

Due to the nature of the course and the large number of students regularly enrolled, NO EXTRA CREDIT projects are offered or allowed.

The lectures given in this course are the intellectual property of the Instructor and under his copyright. They may not be recorded in any form, including tape recording, video recording, phone video or audio recording, etc., the sole exception being the taking of class notes by the student personally or by an authorized substitite. Such notes are for the sole purpose of a student's study to fulfill the requirements of the course. Any other use is forbidden. If you wish to obtain any exception to this policy, you must obtain the express written consent of the Instructor.


The rules of the Department of Modern & Classical Languages and Literatures require attendance at every class. If the student misses more than three classes (without an excused absence) the instructor is entitled to reduce the final grade one step. A sign-up sheet will be passed around at every meeting, and it is the student's responsibility to sign-in. Absence may be excused, if the student presents a written explanation and any evidence relevant to an excuse (Doctor's note, employer's note, etc.)


The professor's office is located in Sierra Tower, Room 435. (Office telephone 677-3459; Departmental telephone: 677-3467)

MWF 10-10:50
MWF 7:30-7:55
and by appointment



The Professor is on-line and can be contacted by E-mail at


May 16, 2009 12:50 PM

John Adams, CSUN

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