Welcome to our

Senior Design Project,

Disaster Tap

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Disaster Tap is a storage optimized, real-time natural disaster mapping software developed to provide individuals in California with the response information relevant to ensuring their safety. Visualization and construction of the map itself is achieved using the Google Maps API. Minutely requests to the NASA EONET API are utilized to collect significant disaster information, including name, category, date, time, and coordinates. Filtering capabilities are provided, allowing users to navigate disasters by category or date and time.

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Utilized Languages

HTML5 23.1%
CSS3 11.5%
JavaScript 65.4%

In consideration of technologies that aided us during the development of this product, GitHub functioned as our version control management tool. We had selected this specfically due to the mutual familiarity and skill set within the platform.

View Our GitHub Repository

Video Demonstration

Feel free to enjoy this video demonstration of Disaster Tap whilst in development. Our group leader, Sam Agazaryan goes into detail with an explanation of how we gathered data as well as how we went about organizing and eventually displaying that data.