California State University, Northridge

General Parenting Resources on the Web

Parenting SA Web Site
This Web site is sponsored by the Government of South Australia. Especially useful are its "Parent Easy Guides" that address a variety of parenting issues. [Recommended by Matt Furlong.]

Redbook - Kids
This Web site provides articles on mommy strategies, cost of day care, raising a child with good values, and childproofing your home. [Recommended by Marc Williams.]

I'm a Parent
This part of the Galaxy Weekley Reader is aimed at parents and provides articles on a variety of subjects. [Recommended by Marc Williams.]

Sesame Street Parents
The Children's Television workshop sponsors this Web site. It provides valuable insights into preschoolers' physical, intellectual and emotional development. [Recommended by Marc Williams.]

Children Now
This resource has a variety of topics for parents, including children' shealth, the media, and family economics. [Recommended by Vivian Insua.]

Action Alliance for Children
Articles from their Children's Advocate newsmagazine include those on child care, child welfare, education, health, violence, etc. [Recommended by Bambang H. Lai.]

National Child Care Information Center
The Child Care Bureau (Department of Health and Human Services) administers federal child care programs for low-income children and families. Its Web site provides useful information on child care and other topics. [Recommended by Soon Byun.]

Positive Parenting On-Line - Feature Tips and Articles
This Web site provides a number of interesting articles with suggestions for better parenting. [Recommended by Matt Furlong.]

Parenting Tips
Valuable information on a variety of topics is provided by KCTS, a public broadcasting station in Seattle, Washington. [Recommended by Jennifer Lee.]

Discovering the Pleasures of Parenthood
This uplifting essay was written by a man who is expecting his first child. He talks about the reality of the nine months of pregnancy and all of the decisions that had to be made by him and his wife. [Recommended by Andrea Thoreson.]

Dealing with Aging Parents
In the program Good Morning America program last March, the topic of dealing with aging parents was discussed. In his new book Baby Boomer's Guide to Caring for Aging Parents, the author Bart Astor gives valuable advice on dealing with a range of important issues. [Recommended by Sherry Luckey.]

The Influence of Grandparents and Stepgrandparents on Grandchildren
This paper explains the role of grandparents and gives suggestions on creating closeness between grandparents and their grandchildren. For example, it is suggested that a videotaped interview with the grandparents is a good way to learn about the family history. Provocative questions are suggested for this interview in order to get a great video. [Recommended by Elaine Sansom.]

School Psychology Resources Online
This valuable Web site offers information on learning disabilities, ADHD, gifted children, autism, adolescence. parenting, mental health, and many more topics. [Recommended by Michele Natale.]

Early Childhood Care and Development - International Resources for Early Childhood Development
This Web site touches on many subjects related to childrearing and development as well as intrnational issues. {Recommended by Christine Geluz.]

National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs
This support group for parents of twins provides a range of information - from "Incidence of Multiple Births" to "Preparing for Multiples." [Recommended by Elaine Sansom.]

This is an excellent multiple-category Web resource. It has "Ask and Expert," "Parent Talk," "Pregnancy Primer," "Parenting A-Z," "Health Guide," and "Fun & Games." [Recommended by sherry Luckey.]

Parenting of K-6 Children
This is a multipurpose Web site with links to many valuable resources. [Recommended by Sherry Luckey.]

Better Health
This comprehensive Web site provides all kinds of health information important to adults and children. Topics cover the entire lifespan and range from "Attention Deficit Disorder" and "Addiction" to "Stroke" and "Women's Health." It is sponsored by iVillage, which also sponsors the Parent Soup site mentioned below. [Recommended by Lisa Stoneham.]

Child/Adolescent Nutrition & Health
This nutrition and health site has specific information about children and adolescents and provides a wide variety of valuable nutritional information for parents. It is sponsored by the International Food Information Council. [Recommended by Lisa Stoneham.]

The F.U.N. Place
The Web site sponsored by Families United on the Net provides authoritative information on a wide variety of topics of interest to parents, including articles on pediatrics, dentistry, and many health-related topics. Especially valuable are their Pediatric News Updates from the American Academy of Pediatrics. [Recommended by Soon Byun.]

National Children's Bureau
Estalibhed in 1963 in London, this organization promotes the interest of children and young people. They work with policy-makers and professionals in other countries, including those in education, health and social work. Their Web site provides valuable information on parenting education, working with children with disabilities, sex education, drug education, and many other topics. [Recommended by Ka Kei Tam.]

Grandma's Room
Essays about actual grandmothers can be found on this wonderful Web site. In addition, the site gives recipes from grandmothers and links to Web sites of special interest to other grandparents. "Grandma's Parlor" provides an opportunity for visitors to get answers to their own questions about parenting from experienced parents and grandparents. {Recommended by Elaine Sansom.]

This Web site provides diverse resources and topics and lints to lots of parenting information. Through its keyword search form, you can access valuable Q&A articles on a wide variety of topics. [Recommended by Elaine Sansom.]

Parenting on the Internet
This Web site discourages indiscriminate use of the Internet by children. While it is impossible to prevent offensive, illegal and possibly dangerous material from being made available via the Internet, advice is given to parents on how to shield their children from such material. [Recommended by Elaine Sansom.]

National Parent Information Network
The National Parent Information Network offers full- text versions of parenting-related materials, brochures, pamphlets, digests, guides, and other information on parenting issues. This group also reviews current parenting books and other periodicals.

The National Parenting Center
Founded in July 1989, The National Parenting Center (TNPC) has become one of America'a foremost parenting information services. Dedicated to providing parents with comprehensive and responsible guidance from nine of the world's most renowned child- rearing authorities, The National Parenting Center invites parents to expand their parenting skills and strengths.

Parents Helping Parents
Parents Helping Parents is a free public service that provides a searchable on-line human services resource directory with a focus on the needs of children.

Parents' Place
Parents Place is a resource center for a wide range of topics, including a question-and-answer forum, a book-of-the-month review and others.

Parenting Q&A
There are answers to all kinds of parenting questions at this site on a wide range of topics: adoption, family support, family relationships, family finances, education, divorce, and even fun projects for kids and parents to do together. The sponsor of this Web site, Families Plus LLC, includes a disclaimer that they are not engaged in rendering legal, medical or other professional service. Instead, the people who answer the questions are people with practical experience - they are parents. [Recommended by Julie Nichol]

Parents As Teachers National Center
This is an international family education and support resource for parents with children ranging in age from newborns through age five. Through this center, parents can acquire the skills to make the most of these crucial early-learning years. The site offers information about child development and suggets activities that help in aquiring parenting skills along with strengthening the parent-child relationship. [recommended by Leah Kotler]

Childrearing 101
Childrearing 101 is a brief collection of Web links related to general parenting issues. It is part of a very large collection of interesting Web links (Beatrice's Web Guide) on a wide range of topics. [Recommended by Lidia Sandoval.]

Copyrighted in 1996, ParentSoup is an educational site for parents and grandparents. It offers a variety of information from parenting organizations on how to how to handle children in different stages of development. Visitors to this site are kept up to date with newsflashes and information from magazine articles. It informs parents about unsafe toys, about drugs, and even provides 800-numbers. This is an incredible site! [Recommended by Rosemarie Cortez.]

Common Sense Parenting
This sits (sponsored by Boys Town USA) provides several links for parenting issues. Father Flanagan gives practical, common sense steps for becoming the best parent possible. The stories are inspirational and emphasize respect, self-sacrifice, and love. [Recommended by Syed A. Khurrum.]

Mental Health Net
This site is a large, comprehensive guide to mental health online and features more than 6,500 individual resources. Entering a specific topic in their QuickFind search tool will give access to valuable information on many parenting issues. [Recommended by Julie Mehlman.]

Creativity Breeds Happy Families, Study Finds
This press release from the American Psychological Association states that "creativity may breed creativity." Parents who work in creative professions seem to create the most happy home environments. Happiness in these families is brought about in an affectionate and supportive household. [Recommended by Jane Kim.]

Grandparents' Home Page
This site is sponsored by the Foundation for Grandparenting, a corporation dedicated to intergenerational involvement. In an effort to help grandparents become more involved in their grandchildrens' lives, this site supports them in their efforts and provides effective information and strategies for doing so. [Recommended by Susette Gonzalez.]

Understanding Your Teenager: Parenting Tips to Help You Get Through the Day.
Almost every parent experiences stress when trying to deal effectively with teenagers, so this link give some practical advice. [Recommended by Susette Gonzalez.]

Caring Parents.Com
This comprehensove site contains information about nutrition, family health, product recalls, and discipline. It contains links to many parenting skill sites, including medical information, types of oys for children (age appropriate) college financial aid, etc. [Recommended by Syed Khurrum.]