California State University, Northridge

Miscellaneous Parenting Web Resources

Covenant House
Covenant House is a privately-funded childcare agency that provides shelter and service to homeless and runaway youth. Its Web site offers valuable information for children as well as for parents. [Recommended by Michelle Natale.]

FEMA for Kids
The Federal Emergency Management Agency provides information about floods, wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. Parents can help their families prepare for disasters as well as find out what causes disasters, play games with their children, and read stories from children who have been through a disaster. [Recommended by Bambang Lai.]

Safety - What Would You Do?
The Scottish Rite Children's Medical Center in Atlanta, Georgia, offers useful information about children's health and gives many tips on child safety. [Recommended by Marc Williams.]

The Challenge of Difficult Children
This site is provided by Elaine M. Gibson, a school psychologist. In it she offers suggestions and resources for dealing with the difficult child. Topics include parenting skills and discipline, communication, and common problems. [Recommended by Michelle Natale.]

National Crime Prevention Council (Canada)
While this organization focuses on crime prevention, many of its online publications may be of interest to parents. [Recommended by Carmen Duran.]

Parent Panthers
This site provides information on how to get Special Education Children mainstreamed in the pubic schools with appropriate services. [Recommended by Andrea Thoreson.]

Children's Rights Law Materials
Federal and state family law statues and legal decisions regarding children. [Recommended by Andrea Thoreson.]

Positive Discipline
Good advice to parents regarding discipline is given by Dr. Jane Nelson, a licensed Family, Marriage, Child Counselor. [Recommended by Jennifer Lee.]

Self Help Index for Dysfunctional Families
This is a list of links to Web sites like "Adult Children of Alcoholics," "Toxic Parents," and "A Family Approach to Problem Drinking." [Recommended by Jennifer Lee.]

American Association for Gifted Children
This organization provides information on raising gifted children as well as resources for their parents. {Recommended by Soon Byun.]

Protect Juveniles from Drug Abuse!
This information is provided by the police department in Aomori, Japan. [Recommended by Andrea Thoreson.]

I Like Children But...
In the American Veterinary Medical Asssociation's Web site "Care for Pets" is a wonderful section called "Kid's Corner." Especially useful are these guidelines for children and the family dog. [Recommended by Lisa Stoneham.]

Healing Hearts
This church-sponsored Web site gives support for parents that have experienced the loss of a child. It gives a description of the stages of grief and stories from parents whose children have died but have managed to overcome their sadness and feelings of loss. [Recommended by Bambang H. Lai.]

Children and Horticulture
This site introduces the therapeutic nature of plants and give ways to help children to interact with plants and with the outdoors. Its sponsor is kinderGARDEN, which is maintained by the Dept. of Horticultural Sciences at Texas A&M University. [Recommended by Debbie C. Lee.]

Child Sexual Abuse
This Web site is sponsored by the Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Knoxville, TN, and provides guidelines for dealing with child sexual abuse. Topics include introductory information, signs and synmptoms of abuse, and how parents can protect their children. [Recommended by Debbie C. Lee.]

Is My Child Gifted?
Research has shown that parents may be better judges of a child's intellectual ability than are classroom teachers. References are provided for all the information provided for parents on this site. [Recommended by Soon Byun.]

Binding Up the Brokenhearted Children
This paper is presented by the United Methodist Church. It deals with the effects of AIDS and HIV on children and breaks down this difficult topic into useful and understandable information. It includes a dicussion on teaching children about AIDS and death and on the grief process in children. [Recommened by Sherry Luckey.]

Talking to Children About Death
No matter what the age of the individual, death is a difficult topic to discuss. This resource is so thorough that it will be of great help to many people. It provides a lot of information on talking to children about death - from "Communication Barriers" to "Should Children Attend funerals?" [Recommended by Sherry Luckey.]

Talking to Children about Death
This Web resource from the Extension Service of North Dakota State University discusses death and its impact on children. It provides advice on how to discuss death as well as relevant book titles - all based on the age of the children as well as their stage of development. [Recommended by Sherry Luckey.]

Is My Child Overweight?
There are many overweight children who are shamed into unhealthy ways of losing weight. The Extension Service of North Dakota State University has presented a practical way to help these children without encourageing diets and/or eating distorders. [Recommened by Sherry Luckey.]

ToughLove International
ToughLove International is a nonprofit educational organization created by Phyllis and David York out of their own frustration with their teen-ager's rebelliousness. Its Parent Support Group is a self-help group for parents troubled by their children's behavior. [Recommended by Elaine Sansom.]

Environmental Health Hazards - How Children Are Different from Adults
Being aware of environmental hazards is the first step in stopping exposure. This article discusses environmental hazards and how children react differently than adults. Differences in children's bodies have implications for their future. [Recommended by Elaine Sansom.]

Articles About Gifted, Talented and Motivated Children (for parents, teachers and students)
This Web site provides links to articles about gifted and talented children and the problems assocated with raising these children. Ideas and activities for parents of preschool gifted children are also provided. [Recommended by Sherry Luckey.]

Phoenix House
Founded in 1967, Phoenix House is the nation's leading non-profit drug abuse service organzaiton. It was among the first organization to adopt self-help methods that make the individual the focus of treatment and to address the underlying cause of drug abuse. [Recommended by Andrea Thoreson.]

Children of the Night
This non-profit agency was established in 1979 out of a growing concern for children who are forced into prostitution or pornography. The agency has helped thousands of kids who have run away from home and have no place to go. Their 24-bed shelter provides refuge, food and skilled counseling for abused teenagers as they await placement into suitable environments. Children of the Night also helps parents find their children and provides referrals to support groups. [Recommended by Andrea Thoreson.]

Parenting the Lord's Way
This Web site discusses parenting based on Mormon doctrines and compares religion with scientific information. Many references to the Book of Mormon are cited and links to additional parenting resources are provided. [Recommended by Sherry Luckey.]

Stepfamily Association of America
This organization is dedicated to educating and supporting stepfamilies and creating a positive image for this type of family. [Recommended by Brenda Galeener.]

The Supported Foster Care Program (SFCP)
SFCP is designed to ehlp take care of children in need of therapeutic foster care services. The program has a history of providing for abused and neglected children within Dade County, Florida. [Recommended by Brenda Galeener.]

The Adoption Connections Project: Women's Journeys
This project is made up of people who are dedicated to bringing together birth mothers, adopted daughters and mothers, foster mothers and others in non-traditional families. They publish an on-line newsletter as well as support ongoing dicussion groups and journal-writing groups. [Recommended by Brenda Galeener.]

Child Abuse Center
This agency in North Carolina has as its goal reducing the incidence of all forms of child abuse and neglect. The site provides facts about child abuse and other valuable information for both adults and for children. [Recommended by Susette Gonzalez.]

The Arc's Q&As and Other Fact Sheets
The Arc of the United States, a national organization on mental retardation, is the country's largest voluntary organization committeed to the welfare of children and adults with mental retardation and their families. Its Q&A page includes links to a wide variety of information, including "Family Support" and "Siblings: Brothers and Sisters of People Who Have Mental Retardation." [Recommended by Julie Malchus.]

Parenting Today's Teens Magazine
This magazines offers articles on issues related to teenage behaviors and parenting teens. [Recommended by Brenda Galeener.]

Dr. Toy's Guide
This site is provided as a public service by the Institute for Childhood Resources, a non-profit organization. It offers good information about whether toys are safe for children and information about skill building with toys. It draws attention to the creativity of children. [Recommended by Rosemarie Cortez.]

Men and Domestic Violence Index
This index provides links to difficult-to-find and poorly-known topics. [Recommended by Susette Gonzalez.]

Mothering in the Shadow of the Cross
This site introduces Christian Parenting and is aimed at helping parents nurture their children through Christianity. It is useful in that it touches on principles of parenting that are supported with verses from the Bible. [Recommended by Jane Kim.]

Raising children to Resist Violence: What You Can Do
This site gives advice to parents who are helping their children to resist violence. It gives methods, techniques and ideas for parents in guiding their children in the right direction. [Recommended by Jane Kim.]