California State University, Northridge

Important Points from the Epilogue of
Parenting - A Life Span Perspective

by Carole A. Martin and Karen K. Colbert

"Parenting influences child development. Children's personalities, competencies, and physical and emotional well-being are affected by child-rearing activities and beliefs."

The parents are the most influential people in a child's life. The child will be affected for the rest of its life by what goes on in its childhood. Fianna Volf, Julie Mehlman, Leah Kotler, Julie Malchus.

"Parenting is a life-span phenomenon. Participation in this process begins during the prenatal period and continues until death. At any one time, individuals may be involved as parents, children, and members of society."

Parenting is a lifetime process and this statement should make an impact on individuals at the time that they are considering becoming parents. Susette Gonzalez, Brenda Galeener, Marnie Labadie, Glenn Esplago, Rose Cortez.
All parents-to-be should discuss this life-long commitment before taking on the responsibility of parenthood. Sanam Zaheni, Jennifer Kite, Kristin Crees, Lidia Sandoval, Julie Nichol.

"There is no one route to "good" parenting. There are multiple pathways to healthy developmental outcomes for parents, children, and society."

There is single parenting styles that works for everybody. It is important to find what is suitable for your family's developmental or parenting needs. Laurie Bruce, Esmeralda Gomez, Cristina Gonzales.
There is no such thing as one perfect way to parent. Different factors, such as culture and socioeconomic status, all have some effect on the upbringing of a child. Jennifer Elias, Young Chang, Jane Kim, Syed Khurrum.