Demonstration of Perceptual Modification of Stimulus

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Example: Perceptual Modification--In the Perceptual Process, the brain adds something to the experience that wasn't originally there.

Unfortunately, you wont see that effect in the demo on the computer screen because of the stobe effect.

What you will see, however, is how to do it so that you can try it without the computer.

You will see how to take a pencil between your thumb and finger, and holding it a little off center, move your hand up and down so that the pencil oscillates in a see-saw manner.

The effect, if you have some one watch you, or if you watch in a mirror, will be to make the pencil appear to bend as if it were made of soft rubber. Of course it isn't, so that change in your perception from a ridgid to a flexible appearance is the result of neurological processing.

of the Stimulus

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